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Old 11-18-2023, 03:18 AM   #2
Fellow traveller
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Default Foreword - About Lionsan’s Blue Stories

Foreword - About Lionsan’s Blue Stories
This is a fictional story about Getdare member SilverBlue, check out her excellent blog.

In early October 2023 I decided to start walking to the office, I’d been working from home for a while (years) but had been lacking the motivation to exercise. An irregular ten-minute walk to the local hipster cafe was not cutting it (sorry Stephan the German Barista, I still love your coffee with the foam dicks shooting love hearts). I was looking forward to a long Christmas holiday (in Summer down under) and wanted to be ready to wear a swimsuit by the pool (Tasmania, I’m coming your way).

It is actually a reasonable stroll to the office and the spring weather has been unusually warm, to be honest, it was a bit bloody painful to start with. I was bored with listening to Audiobooks or podcasts and really needed something to distract me while I walked.

So I started to type on my phone a short smutty story and before I knew it I was at work feeling ready to tackle the day! To be fair, my walk to work had taken ninety minutes compared to the normal three-quarters of an hour and the phone keyboard is tiny on the front screen so half the words were mispelt, but I had the basis of a story. I briefed my colleagues on what to do when I accidentally step in front of a bus. On the walk home, I added to and refined the story. Feeling pleased with the story I ran it quickly through spell checkers and Grammarly(tm), and used text to audio to listen for mistakes. I finally felt like I had a story, where people might believe I knew how to spell and knew what good grammar was, yeah nah.

SilverBlue on getdare had been the inspiration for the story, so I sent her a copy. She shot me down and told me what a terrible story it was. I vowed to never write again. The End

Nah, Blue is a good kid (but very naughty) and encouraged my writing which stroked my ego.

They kept suggesting I post my stories on the GetDare forum, so blame them that you are reading this. I was not keen as I was achieving my own goals, self-centred prick. However they kept making this suggestion, and the rule is on the third time you have to give up and agree (well it should be a rule, new rule for getdare?). Blue does not realise but I am secretly training her to nag me until she gets what she wants. So now I have to post something otherwise they will know what an unreliable asshole I am.

Please send all negative feedback to SilverBlue, haha
Don’t let Lionsan ever post another story
Don’t let Lionsan ever post another story
Don’t let Lionsan ever post another story
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