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Old 10-20-2023, 12:14 AM   #3
Misschievous's Authority
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1. When you set a dare and receive confirmation that it's done/get a report, how much do you trust that it's actually been done?

It really depends on the task but in general by now I tend to see things as role play but with realistic tasks instead of fantasy. In my mind it stays in a bit of a limbo of "it might be real but for now I will assume it is roleplay" .

2. How confident are you that a person is who they say they are? i.e. Gender, age, body proportions

I will give people the benefit of the dought, but it depends a lot on the claims. The less likely the claim the more I will be in doubt. And a lot falls very fast in to the category of "role play" in my head. And I start taking them simply a lot less, serious.

3. Have you ever caught someone out on a lie? If so, what happened? (Please don't name any users in this thread)

Many times. In general by them falling in to the escalation trap of getting more and more fantastic and unrealistic, but also by running out of matching "proof" to fabricate the situations they describe

4. Has someone ever broken your trust? (i.e. Shared pictures of you without consent)

Not really

5. When you see someone right a very long and elaborate story about something crazy happening to them, what do you think? (i.e. Fucking 20 guys in one night)

I use "Manga World" for it... I see it as fiction

6. What are the factors that are important to you when it comes to trusting someone else?

I in general try to give a bit of trust to people to start with, as they kind of have to trust me too without knowing me. Trust is a two way street in my eyes you need to give it to get it back. But it really depends a lot on what my investment is.
Giving a task on the site in a threat I needed 5 minutes to write simply isn't a big thing even if it is fake.
A longer relationship on the other hand will require some more trust and more things like maybe a picture or, what I even prefer, a short conversation over voice.
But I also will go by guts here, if something feels off more proof is needed earlier than when all feels legit.

1. In general how much do you trust someone new from 1 to 10? (10 being you trust a stranger completely)

I would say a 4, I give them some trust as long as they have given me no reason to not believe them, but with some little nudge towards sceptical.

2. How long does it generally take for you to trust someone new? (Could be real life or online)

I am a very open person so in some aspects I trust people fast. On the other hand to fully trust somone can take quiet long.
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