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Old 02-27-2008, 08:57 AM   #2
Junior Member
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 8

A second installment, same disclaimer above applies.

It hadn’t been so bad when Dan first moved in, Lou thought to her self as she caressed the shaft of his erect dick with her tongue. Of course she’d caught him eyeing her up a few times, he’d even cop the odd feel of her arse or ‘accidentally’ brush his hand over her tits from time to time, she was even quite enjoyed it if she was honest. Dan was a good looking guy, probably in his late 20’s and quite well off due to investments of the stock market, she was thrilled when her mother started seeing him, he was cool, drove and expensive BMW convertible and her mum was always happy with her new toy boy around. But now, now she was his slave, daddy’s little slut, dirty whore. Three months ago she’d brought her boyfriend home. Her mother was at work, being a ward nurse at the city hospital she often worked 60-70 hour weeks and Dan basically let her do what she wanted. If he did ever enforce any rules all it would take was a flutter of the eye lashes and maybe a bit of cock teasing on her part and he’d back down. She’d taken the boy up to her room, they had a good night, smoked some weed and had sex (more then once). At around 9.30 Dan shouted that her mum would be home in half an hour and it was time for Sean to go. That was Monday night. On the Thursday her mother was working from 6pm until 2am, Lou planned to go out with some friends, a new club was opening in town and her cousin was a doorman, so getting in wouldn’t be a problem. She came flying downstairs in an extremely short skirt and a top that would make a porn star blush.
“And where the fuck do you think your going?” Dan barked. She was quite shocked, he’d never sounded so severe before, mum was the strict one. “Just to see a few friends” she replied sweetly, running her hand up her leg, lifting the skirt just enough so he could see the hem of her silk panties.
“I don’t think so lady, you go and sit that cute little arse of yours in the living room, we have something to discuss”. She was so shocked by his tone that she didn’t argue. 5 minutes later, as her concern grew, he joined her. Putting a DVD in the machine he sat next to her, put his arm around her and whispered in her ear “Me and you are going to watch an interesting video young Louise, and then your going to do anything within your power to stop your mother seeing it” as those last words came out he slipped his hand up her skirt, running his finger around the panties she’s flashed him so shamelessly not long ago. She pulled away but he pulled her back towards him “Don’t act the innocent little girl now” He raised his voice ever so slightly as he pressed play “I know what a dirty slut you are, and after tonight you’ll not only be a slut, you’ll be my slut” She watched horrified, the video depicted her self and Sean smoking cannabis and having sex.
“You bastard! You absolute pervert!” she shouted “You set up a camera in my room”.
“Of course” he smirked “You have quite a fan base online also, I’ve made good money from videos and images of you, getting undressed, masturbating, nothing like this before though”
“Please” She sobbed “Please no”
“This is how it’s going to go, from now on you do exactly as I say. We’re going to have a long and happy future, happy for me anyway. If you ever refuse to do anything I say, or you report me, a friend of mine has hundreds of copies of that video. Your mother will receive a copy, as will every boy in your school, what’s more it will be distributed online with your name, address and telephone number. Do you understand?” She nodded. That night he’d made her bend over, he lifted her skirt, pulled down her panties and spanked her. Since then he’d touch her up on a regular basis, have her suck him off and perform strip teases for him.
Now 3 months later, with him coming in her mouth, she had no life left. He’d forced her to dump Sean, and he’d only let her leave the house very occasionally aside from school, just enough to stop her mother asking questions. “Right you little bitch, bend over, time we started putting that arse you like showing off so much to good use.”

Any feedback or criticism welcome.
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