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Old 08-26-2011, 10:50 AM   #35
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Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 2

Originally Posted by devildarer View Post
After a few days, I was getting so accustomed to serving Jake, that I was doing what he said without argument. Sometimes it wasn't that bad, but sometimes it was terrible. When it wasn't that bad, he was just getting me to make him coffee or fetch him things. When it was horrible, he was making me suck him off, spilling coffee on me, peeing on or in me, and spanking me. Most of the time is was bad. But some things were good. I've gotten the hang of making his coffee right, and that pleased him enough to not spank me as hard as he usually does during my morning spanking. He makes me practice sucking him, and spanks my bottom every time he feels my teeth at all. I'm getting better at it, but that doesn't mean I particularly enjoy it. I've also gotten accustomed to the taste of him in my mouth. That's probably not going to go away until I get back to my mom's house. I wonder how he's going to be ordering me around from there.

I've been sleeping every night in only my bra and panties, with no pillow or blanket of any kind. He's confiscated all the things in my room except for a few (my new alarm clock, for instance, most of my clothes, and a few panties). The clothes he took were ones that didn't show anything at all, like my long sleeve turtleneck and stuff like that. He only left me a few panties. He took out all the posters in my room and more things like that. He also took all my blankets, pillows, and old stuffed animals, ensuring that no matter what, I'm only allowed to sleep uncomfortably. The one thing he did leave though (but I would be caught dead sleeping with it by him) is a giant stuffed teddy bear that my dad got my when I was little and my mom and dad had just divorced. He knew that it had a lot of sentimental value to me, so he left it here, but warned me that if he caught me using it as a pillow or anything like that, I would wish I were dead.

Today is the 4th out of my 6 day stay here.

I just woke up to the alarm buzzing. My neck hurt after the long night without a pillow again. I got up, but on some clothes, and went downstairs to make master's coffee. Once it was done perfectly, I brought it up, bolted the door, stripped naked, and shook master awake gently, telling him his coffee was ready. I placed it on his small bedside table and got on my knees as he woke up. He woke up groggily, sat up, and leaned his head back on the wall. He picked up his coffee and drank it, not even bothering to spare me a second glance, which made me feel a little bad for some reason. I got up slowly and crawled into his bed. He hugged me affectionately and I immediately felt better. I went under his sheets to his dick. He wore boxers to sleep and I gently pulled them down. His dick was hard and sticking out. I took it in my mouth and began sucking him hard. It was going well, but my teeth accidentally grazed his dick for a fraction of a second. He stiffened, and then calmed down again, so I hoped he let it go. When he finally came in my mouth, I obediently swallowed it all and pulled his boxers back over his erection. I came up out of his blankets and curled myself up next to him in bed. He rubbed me gently, for a few seconds.

'The coffee was good today Sarah, I'm very pleased by your progress.'

'Thank you master.' I replied.

'Since it wasn't practice time, Sarah, I will forgive you on your mishap while you were sucking me today. Just make sure it doesn't happen again. I'd hate to see that beautiful ass of yours as swollen as it was the last time.'

'Yes master.' I said. It was true, my ass still hadn't healed fully. It was still pretty purple looking.

'Now get up. You're getting much too comfortable. Put on your spreader bar and stand in the corner facing the wall. Not a word from you.'

I got up and did as he asked silently. I wondered if he were going to be using the dildo on me. This wouldn't be the first time, and I hated the dildo a lot.

'Now, Sarah, I will be using your dildo on you. I've gotten you a new one. 10 inches, and very thick. This one wont be going into your pussy though. I think you've had enough of that. No, this will be penetrating you in that fine ass of yours. My eyes widened in shock, not that he could see. My hands were on my head and I was facing the corner, away from him with a spreader bar between my legs. I was in such a fetal position it almost made me want to cry. He came up behind me, hugging me passionately and stuffed a ball gag into my mouth. 'Don't want anyone to hear you now, do we?' he asked. Now, tears really were falling from my eyes. He wiped them away with his fingers. Shhh Sarah, stop crying. The pain won't last forever.' I breathed a shaky breath through my nose.

'Now, I'm lubing this up so that it wont hurt as much. That ass is really tight Sarah.' As soon as he was done he came up behind me and lovingly grasped me with one hand. He grabbed my boob with that hand and massaged it while his right one was rubbing my ass. He took the lubed dildo and gently pushed it into my ass and out. In and out in fluid motions like that, going deeper each time. The pain suddenly got unbearable as he ripped through my ass again and again. Once he got the full 10 inches of thick dildo in, I couldn't help it, and I screamed in pain. He slapped me ass, and I screamed more. The screams came muffled through my ball gag. You could barely notice I was screaming. He slapped my ass again. 'Be quiet or that dildo is staying in there. Now I'm going to do your morning spanking now, with that still in there, as a reward for acting so well today.'

In my head I was thinking 'what kind of reward is that?', but I didn't dare say it out loud, not that I would be able to get the words out through my ball gag anyways.

So I was hauled over by him, my hands still on my head, the tears still in my eyes, the spreader bar still very uncomfortably between my legs, and the 10 inch dildo still in my ass, and over his lap. 'Lets take this off, shall we?' and he removed the spreader bar from between my legs. It felt relieving to say the least to not have those restraints on my legs anymore, but it put the pain of the dildo into a worse perspective. The pain was bewildering! I shook a little at it, but otherwise calmed myself down and tried to think about something else.
That was before the slaps came.
The spanks on my ass weren't delivered with very much force, but it still hurt an unbelievable amount, pushing the dildo in further that I thought possible. My ass was on fire by the end of it. and that helped me focus a little less on the pain of the dildo and more on the pain of my ass. He took out my ball gag, and pulled my arms gently down in a more comfortable position and rubbed me tenderly. He hugged me and said 'I'm sorry if that was uncomfortable baby, but it needed to be done. and so does this. and with one fluid motion, he grabbed the end of the dildo and yanked it out fast. He clamped his hand over my mouth right before I screamed louder than I would think possible, angry tears forming in my eyes at the astonishing and unexpected sudden pain that brought. My ass burned unbelievably, but it still felt so relieving to have the dildo out. He Took the dildo tenderly in his hands and examined the filth. There was some brown stuff on it too. It was disgusting. He massaged my jaw and gently opened my mouth. I opened it automatically, stupid of me, but if I didn't I'd probably fare worse, and he put the dildo in my mouth. I sucked on it like it was his cock, and licked it clean. The stuff on it tasted unbelievably gross, but I knew it was just from my own ass, and that made me feel a little bit better.

Once I was done licking, he took it away, and dried it on a paper towel, and put it away.
'You did very good today Sarah. I'll give you a break for now. Put your clothes on. I got them on and quickly went to my bathroom. I brushed my hair and my teeth, and washed my face. My eyes seemed hectic, and my hair was a mess. I then went downstairs and made myself breakfast and coffee. Jake came down soon after, looking very well groomed and calm. He eyed my breakfast, and continued to the TV, where he plopped down and surfed the channels. I had to admit, that if I were a few years older, and Jake was never my master, I would probably have a crush on him, but now, whenever he walked by me, it sent fear chills up my spine. I felt like there was this aura around him that forced me into doing everything he says, but no longer out of fear of him telling my parents about my diary. Just out of fear of him. It was weird how submissive I am to him now. It's like all of this has been hiding in me for so long and it had never gotten a chance to come out until Jake forced it out.

I just realized now why Jake eyed my breakfast, and why that sly grin came to his face. I made myself sausages. That was stupid of me to not realize he would find that funny. But then, the fact that he grinned at it made me feel good inside. Like a wave of something else that wasn't fear washed through me. I grinned and said 'Hey, Jake'. He turned with one eyebrow raised, and with a fear jolt in my stomach, I realized my mistake. 'I.. I mean master..'
He kept his eyebrow raised. Oh well, better late than never. 'Look!' and I took the sausage in my mouth as though I were sucking it. He chuckled, and his face softened a little. It made me feel good. More than good, great, to make him laugh. It sent love shivers up my body. I looked at him differently, and the aura around him was no longer fear, but longing. I wanted to please him and make him laugh. But the fear was still there, just a little more in the shadows.
Where's the rest of the story?
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