Thread: Fiction: The University of Life
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Old 09-06-2023, 02:19 AM   #8
MasterBilly's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: UK, Manchester
Posts: 72

The day of Becky’s party had arrived and I was given a white mini skirt, a tight pink t-shirt and a pair of white plastic shoes. I made my way to Becky’s house dressed like that, putting up with all the wolf whistles and cat calls on the way, Saturday evening in the university part of town, it seemed as though most of the university had come out to witness my walk of shame, there were also many young children that saw me and they had no restraint in laughing and hurling insults at me. It was a 2 mile walk to Becky’s, by the time that I had got there my cheeks were burning bright red and my eyes were welling up in shame.

A delighted Becky answered the door and showed me up to her room. Closing the door behind her she ordered me to strip. I was actually hoping that I would be allowed to wear this bizarre uniform for most, if not all of the evening, at least it provided a degree of modesty. But that luxury was quickly denied as she took me naked downstairs and into the main room.

“Hands behind you Bitch,” Becky told me pulling a pair of handcuffs out of her bag, there was only one other girl in the room, I knew her as Angela and she had never seen me naked before. I turned my back to her and put my hands behind me as I involuntarily sighed heavily. There would be alcohol flowing tonight for sure, I would be naked with my hands cuffed behind me for the entire evening. I was physically turned around so that Becky and Angela could admire me at their leisure. I could cope with this, beside I knew that the evening was going to get much worse for me.

The doorbell rang and I was made to accompany Becky to the door. The first guest was of Far Eastern origin, Japanese or Korean or similar, she was introduced as Cocoa and was very pleased to see me.

“Wow, is this the bitch that you ordered Becky?” she asked ecstatically.

“It certainly is.”

“And it is still okay to touch?” asked Cocoa, implying that there was some previous agreement.


With that Cocoa brazenly reached down and grabbed hold of my penis, rubbed it a couple of times and then felt my balls, weighing them in her fingers.

“His balls feel fairly heavy,” I did not know what to make of that statement, was it a compliment? I just did not know.

“Does he have to keep his hands behind his back?”

“He’s handcuffed,” replied Becky.

“Wow,” Exclaimed Cocoa. “This I have got to see, turn around now Bitch!”

I turned so that Cocoa could see my hands handcuffed behind me, I felt her pull down on the links.

“Okay, lean forwards as far as you can,” Cocoa’s instructions were obviously aimed at me and I leaned forwards so that my upper body was parallel to the ground.

I felt Cocoa’s hand come flying down on my bum, she spanked me 6 times in total, and I straightened up with a face bright red in shame before following the two very excited girls back into the main room.

Next two freshers arrived at the same time and they were clearly overjoyed at the sight of me, I don’t think that either of them had seen a naked guy before, as freshers they would only be 18, possibly just turned 19.

Next a senior girl turned up and she had seen me both clothed and naked many, many times, she was in one of my classes along with Alfie (remember the wimp Alfie from my first 2 years at ‘Uni’). Claire was a snooty bitch and on many occasions had taken the piss out of me for being a gay slave to the biggest wimp in University (Alfie). I certainly did not want her abusing me all night, but she had in the past so at least there was no ‘initial shock value’. Even so, Claire knew how to humiliate me, exactly what to say to upset me, how I suddenly wished that I was just not there.

Finally two out and proud lesbians turned up together, one a fresher and the other a year 2. ‘Yellow’ and ‘Pee Pee’ had been in a relationship for a few months now, they were both well known on the ‘Uni’ social scene, partly because they were so out and proud, partly because they were both aggressive feminists and partly because they were both so loud.

‘Yellow’ took hold of my balls as soon as she saw me and dug her nails right in.

“Who is the master race you shit,” she shouted right into my face.

“Females,” I said quickly, her grip tightened causing me to scream in pain.

“Females the world over,” she said before relaxing her grip slightly, but still staring aggressively into my eyes.

“Females the world over,” I repeated gasping for breath.

“And don’t you ever forget it Shithead,” with that she let go, gave Becky a welcome kiss and I followed the three of them into the house.

The party got going and I was just entertainment for them. I looked around there was 8 of them, everybody knew that ‘Yellow’ and ‘Pee Pee’ were lesbians, though no-one knew where they got their stupid nicknames from. I suspected that Becky was bisexual, even though she was in a relationship with a guy called Jim. I also knew that Angela was a lesbian and that Claire was definitely bisexual. That just left the two freshers and Cocoa. Were they all lesbian or bisexual, was that the reason that they were having this party; only girls who liked girls were invited. Would I even get to see some girl-on-girl fun as the evening progressed?

Well I can answer that last question as a definite NO! Most of the girls stayed the night and I haven’t a clue what happened after I left, but whilst I was there I saw nothing but the occasional kiss, they were there to humiliate me, pure and simple.

They started of making me do simple tasks for them stretching, squat jumps, running on the spot. I would get the odd smack on the bum or nipple tweak. Then somebody had the bright idea of making me play twister on my own, which at least meant that they had to take the handcuffs off me. I could not see the spin of the wheel so I had no idea if the spinner was being honest, but every round seemed to end with me legs wide apart leaning forwards to touch the ground.

The handcuffs went back on as I was then required to hold certain poses for 15 minutes each, I was not even allowed to move my eyes. During these poses the girls would routinely feel up parts of my body, now this really was humiliating. They had been drinking a while and by now all the girls were concentrating their gropes on my cock and balls. Well all apart from ‘Yellow’ and ‘Pee Pee’ who just looked at me with disgust, they seemed to have no interest in feeling me up at all.

After several poses the girls seemed to get bored of me and I was left alone for an hour or so. It was well after midnight when a drunken Becky suddenly came in giggling with a packet of peanuts.

“I’ve just thought of a brilliant new game, it’s called hide the peanuts, basically I have to hide a peanut and you all have to try and find where it is hidden,” she laughed holding up a bag of peanuts.

“Sounds a bit shit to me Becks,” answered Claire to several nods of agreement.

“Hold on, I’ll show you how it works; oi, over here Bitch, turn your back to the girls, legs out wide and lean over,” Becky called out to me. I instantly knew what she intended and with a sick feeling in my stomach I adopted the required pose.

“Now then ladies if I stick a peanut in here let’s see if any of you can find where it is hidden,” with that she slipped a peanut up my bum, how predictable!

And how they all laughed, in their drunken state they found it utterly hilarious, which just made me feel smaller. When they finally stopped rolling around the carpet and started to regain some sort of composure then they all wanted a go, first Cocoa and then Claire, even Yellow and Pee Pee had a go and of course they all laughed long and loud every time that a peanut slipped into me. I still remember the incident well to this very day. If they had been sober then they would probably have stopped after 2 or 3, or at least after everybody had had a turn, but they just found it funnier and funnier. When Angela stuck 2 peanuts up me saying they would be twice as easy to find because there were twice as many of them they all broke down in hysterics again, rolling around the floor again. This was about the time that I broke down crying, I simply could not handle the humiliation, a group of girls, some 2 years younger than me, sticking peanuts up my bum. They were only about halfway through the packet at this stage, it was hell, sheer hell.

When they finally finished some time later I was allowed to stand up and face them, as soon as they realised that I had been crying they all cracked up laughing again. I had well and truly been superb entertainment for them.

After this I was ignored for a while before the girls started talking about either going home or going to bed. Those sleeping on the settees in the main room clearly did not want me around anymore and I was told that I could leave amid a barrage of insults, my handcuffs were removed and I was given the white mini skirt that I arrived in and was kicked unceremoniously out of the front door to walk home 2 miles barefoot and naked to the waist. I suppose that I could have argued more for my clothes but I was just too tired, mentally drained.

It was a fairly cool night and I was shivering by the time that I got back, all four housemates were in bed so I dropped onto the mattress in the front room and literally cried myself to sleep.

I was by now coming towards the end of my time at university, when I did finally finish it was all a bit of an anti-climax, I do not know what I was expecting, but I was on my knees sucking cock and swallowing sperm, then less than 24 hours later I was in the car with dad and all my possessions driving away from the house that had the biggest impact on my life.
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