Thread: Fiction: The University of Life
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Old 08-22-2023, 03:57 PM   #7
MasterBilly's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: UK, Manchester
Posts: 72

Around noon Ian showed me to my own room, I was to move in that day. My room was a small box room with a desk, a chair, a couple of shelves and a small set of drawers. No wardrobe and no bed! What is more there was not enough room for a bed of any realistic size, maybe a camp cot, but no more.

“Er, where’s the bed Master?” Remembering Mike’s instruction from the previous night to call everybody Master.

Ian smiled at this before informing me of my sleeping arrangements. A single mattress and duvet would be left in the corner of the main room, if I was not required in anybody’s bed on a particular night then I was to sleep there.

“What about a wardrobe for my clothes Master?” I asked, after all I could hardly leave my clothes in a pile in the corner of the room, I would have to get the ironing board out every single time that I put a clean shirt on.

“You will be told where to keep your clothes later, now go with Gary and get all your gear from the dormitory.”

Gary had a black pick-up, ideal for transporting all my stuff in one trip. On the way back nervousness began to creep in again, after all the events of the previous night I was wondering if I would even survive a year living in this house, I knew one thing, in a year’s time I would have no difficulty in taking large cocks.

Returning to the house I noticed that a wardrobe had been placed in the rather large porch area, the porch was actually part of the main building and had a single doorway to the right, presumably leading to a downstairs toilet. To enter the main part of the house you had to go through an archway and into a corridor with rooms leading off.

Ian was in the porch way when I entered, holding a screwdriver.

“Just in time Bitch, you can give me a hand taking this door off its hinges,” Ian was referring to the door that I thought led to the downstairs toilet. As we removed the door it became apparent that there was a shower in there as well. With the door removed and stored in the garage we returned to the porch area.

“Right Bitch, this is the only toilet and shower in the house that you are allowed to use. The door has been taken off so that anybody in the house can watch you using the toilet or shower.” I digested this information and the implications, if the housemates decided to throw another party and I wanted to go for a shit, well everybody at the party would be free to come and watch me, under the influence of alcohol most of them probably would want to watch too.

“Also you will keep all of your clothes, including what you are wearing now, in this wardrobe,” Ian continued. “From now on whenever you are in the rest of the house you will be stark, bollock naked. You will get dressed and undressed in this porch way when you are leaving or entering the house, understand Bitch?”

“Yes Master,” I replied stunned, thinking ‘what the fucking hell have I agreed to moving in here.’ Then of course the notion of future house parties entered my head, I would be the only one stark naked in a house full of people. Oh fuck!

“One last thing you are expected to take a shower at least once a day. Oh and by the way, the hot water has been sealed off on your shower, so you need to get used to cold showers very quickly.”

“Yes Master,” I replied again, now utterly bewildered by the recent change of events.

“Well,” Ian was staring at me, obviously he was expecting me to do something, but I had no idea what.

“Sorry Master?”

“What is it about ‘from now on you will be stark bollock naked in the house’ that you do not understand?” he replied condescendingly.

“Oh, er, can’t I wear clothes until I have unloaded all of my things out of the pick-up?” I asked, after all the driveway could be seen by people on the street.

“No, it will do you good to parade yourself outside, anyway Gary’s pick-up is right outside the door, if you are quick you should be fine,” with that Ian left me getting undressed. Hanging the last of my clothes in the wardrobe, I peeked outside the door, there was no one around. Quickly I ran out to the back of the pick-up, grabbed hold of the first two bags and darted back to the safety of the house, breathless I dropped the bags and contemplated what I had done. I reckoned that I had four more trips to make.

Trips two and three were similarly fraught, but by now things were getting further away from the door in the back of the truck, my next trip would involve going virtually all the way around the vehicle.

As I stared down, breathlessly looking down at all my kit I saw my knob, standing out to attention; fuck, the excitement and embarrassment of it all had given me an erection. Now things really were getting out of hand. If I was caught naked on my drive then I would probably be let off with a caution, but if I was caught sporting a massive erection then you are looking at a public indecency charge at a bare minimum, as well as it being far more embarrassing for me.

I looked out of the door again, all was clear. I literally ran around the back of the truck with my cock bouncing up and down as I ran, the next item was a large cardboard box. I put my arms around it and lifted it up, I could feel my erect knob pushing up against the wheel arch. As I lifted the box I heard footsteps down the pavement, fuck they were close.

Two people just came into view as I made it back around the vehicle, turning my back to them just in time, and headed to the doorway. It was a mother and young child, I bared my arse to them as I hurried to the house as quick as I could carrying this large box.

“Look mummy that man has got no clothes on!”

“Don’t look Oscar, don’t look,” mummy replied before calling out to me. “You should be ashamed of yourself.”

I managed to dive through the doorway, relieved that at least Oscar and mummy never got to see my bits.

I retrieved my last item without incident and hung all my clothes up in the porch wardrobe before taking all my personal items up to my room. Once that I had officially ‘moved in’ I went down into the main room and, now becoming more comfortable naked in front of the guys, I sat next to Ian after asking for his permission first.
It was a Friday afternoon a few months later and all the housemates were out, I had finished lectures for the day and I was in my room catching up with some studying. I decided to make the most of an empty house by going downstairs to my toilet for a shit. If I tried this when any of the housemates were around then I would be certain to get some form of abuse, even if it was just being photographed or videoed.

I had just sat down on the bowl when I heard the front door, fuck, no chance of escaping the housemates now, they would see me as soon as they Ian walked in.

Jonnie and Gary whooped with delight as they saw me sat on the crapper. Jonnie walked straight in and ran his hands under the tap before flicking water into my face, he did this 3 or 4 times before running his hands under the tap again.

Gary was stood in the doorway laughing, his massive frame blocking out the light. Jonnie flicked more and more water into my face as Gary stepped forwards and started slapping me across the face, not lightly either.

“Give up, please Master’s I’m trying to take a dump.”

“Then have one Bitch, we’re not stopping you, are we Gary,” another flick of water came flying into my face as Gary stopped slapping me and grabbed hold of my nipples very tightly.

“Nope,” replied Gary as I squealed in pain. The pain became agony as he literally started lifting me off the toilet. I was about to drop a log onto the ocean, to be lifted off the pan at this specific moment was humiliating beyond belief. Jonnie turned on the shower as I held onto Gary’s wrists begging him to let me go. Jonnie held the shower head over me and sprayed water over my head and down my back drenching me in ice cold water. I gasped for breath as he took hold of my balls with his spare hand and squeezed hard. I honestly did not know which was worse, my poor nipples were on fire, my balls were in agony and I could not breathe from the freezing cold water being sprayed over me.

They let go of me eventually with Jonnie leaving the shower head hanging down spraying water against my legs and all over the floor, I knew full well that I would be the one mopping it up. Gary got his phone out and rested it on the shelf in the porch, obviously recording me having a dump. With that the pair of them left in good spirits, leaving me sat crying on the toilet with the pain and humiliation that I had to endure. They even left the outside door open, so not only was I soaking wet and freezing cold from Jonnie’s shower, but I also had contend with an icy January blast blowing in from outside.

The housemates did not have many parties, but one was coming up on Saturday evening in February. I knew that it would potentially be publically humiliating for me and I tried to escape it but my housemates were having none of it. The first guests were expected to arrive at 8pm, so I was told to be in the main room at 7:30 ‘Suited and Booted’.

“Suited and Booted?” I asked.

“Yes your Birthday Suite, Bitch,” replied Gary. I nodded, I expected no less, I had been walking around the house naked for 5 months now.

I turned up naked as nature intended and was given a padlocked collar and cuffs to put around my neck and wrists, Jonnie helped to snap the padlocks into place before I was given a pair of bright red 4 inch stilettos, footwear in the house, what a privilege, that was before I found out how hard they were to walk around in!

Jonnie himself brought out some chains and padlocks and basically locked 18 inch chains from each wrist up to my collar and then another 12 inch chain to each wrist, severely limiting my hand and arm movement.

Ian stood up with a black marker and wrote ‘ACCESS ALL AREAS’ on my chest and stomach before writing a longer message on my back, I did not have a clue what he wrote but I could tell that he underlined the title, for my benefit he took an image on his phone and showed it to me.


This party was likely to go on for 6 hours and there would be about 30 blokes attending, I dreaded to think how much cum I would have in me by the morning. Finally I was handed a tray and was given my instructions for the evening. I was to circulate with a tray of drinks for the guests, I was to ensure that I had a good selection of drinks at all times, my only excuse for not circulating with drinks is if one of the male guests wanted to use me for sex, which I could not refuse. If I needed the toilet then I had to get permission of one of the housemates, I knew which toilet that I could use and they guaranteed that I would have an audience.

“If someone does want to have sex with me, which room do we do it in?”

“Entirely up to them,” came the reply. “If they want to use one of the bedrooms then that is up to them, if they want to do it in this room with everybody watching and taking photos then that is their call.”

“And if anyone wants to take a photo of you in all your glory then they can; you will cooperate, smile and even pose if you are told to, understand?” Ian asked aggressively.

“Yes Master.”

This was going to be tough, I had learned to be submissive since I first came into contact with Jeff Wakefield over 2 years ago, but this was going to stretch me to the limit.

The guests started arriving, at first they found having a naked slave amusing, most of them I knew personally and about half had seen me naked in the past anyway. But not under these circumstances. Once that they found out that they were allowed to touch me then they were in their element. First it was my nipples and ears, but they soon moved downwards to my navel, my bum, my knob and finally my balls. It got to the stage where there was some hand or other on my balls more often than not. Even when I was getting more drinks people would follow me into the kitchen and grope my scrotum whilst I was trying to pour more drinks and then load them onto a tray with my hands chained together. I may be submissive, but this was just awful, nobody was stroking my balls erotically, they were just reaching down and giving them a good old tug and I had to pretend that I was enjoying it. Many photos were taken, mainly by the girls who all seemed to think that I was hilarious. There were about 40 people there and only 5 girls. The rest were almost certainly gay or at least bisexual and that is why they had been invited. I soon realised how bad stilettos were to wear, my calves ached like mad and I was desperate to sit down, not that I was allowed to and I knew with certainty that I would not survive the evening if I had to spend the whole time on my feet.

About an hour in and one of the guests decided that he wanted to fuck me. Taking me upstairs to Mike’s room he did me doggy style across the bed, not the best fuck on the planet, but he wasn’t bad, it did the job. Going back down the steps two others were coming up.

“You finished with that Tug?” The first guy asked, indicating towards me.

“Yeah he’s all yours,” Tug, the guy who had just fucked me, replied.

“Come on then, spit roast time,” the first guy said to me, indicating with his thumb for me to lead the way to the bedroom.

They did indeed spit roast me, all 3 of us on our knees on the floor. The one doing anal was quite good and I had the pleasure of a nice cock rubbing against my prostate, all you bottoms out there will know about that feeling. The cock in my mouth was not so generous, he was fucking me like a hammer drill and going in far too deep and far too aggressively, hurting the back of my throat with each stroke.

Both came at the same time and for the first time in my life I had felt the bliss of having cum fired down my throat and up my arse simultaneously, a feeling that made up for the assault on the back of my throat.

I was fucked again in the bedroom by another guest who just wanted to see what all the commotion was all about before all 3 of them decided to spank me on my arse, 6 times each, 18 in total; for no other reason than they simply wanted to.

I went back downstairs and resumed drinks serving, the stilettos soon had my calves aching again and I very quickly wished that I was back on my knees getting fucked.

It was about this time that one of the guests decided that he wanted to fuck me over the back of the sofa with everybody watching. This was new territory even for me, I had been arse fucked in front of 3 or 4 others before, but not in front of a large crowd and never in front of girls.

Initially the experience was totally humiliating; being bent over furniture, stark naked, against your will, being fucked by a person that you didn’t know, in front of a large group of clothed onlookers all laughing and jeering at you; many taking video evidence and some coming close up just to capture the expression on your face.

A couple of girls even felt between my legs and had a good old grope of my balls whilst I was being fucked. I could not help notice the difference in attitudes of my audience. The males seemed to border from intrigue to excitement to sheer carnal lust, whereas the females watching just seemed to find the whole thing hilarious. If the entire audience had simply been turned on then I think that I would have been able to cope, maybe even enjoy it a little; play the part and even play up to the crowd. But here I was being sexually abused and raped in public and people were either laughing or ridiculing me, or even joining in. It just was not fair, I know that it is a childish thing to admit but I broke down, I was in tears. The crowd simply laughed and jeered more.

I noticed that a couple of lads had unbuckled their trousers and were deciding in which order they were going to fuck me, another one had taken his trousers off completely and was walking around in grey boxers, he was clearly intent on fucking me, this was going to be a long night.

It did indeed prove to be a long night, 5 people came in my mouth and I think it was 11 up my arse, it may have been 12. Towards the end people stopped laughing at me and I think one or two were developing respect for the way I coped with all the sexual abuse, with that I stopped crying and became determined to see this through.

I did not think that it was possible to survive such a gang bang until it happened, strangely when it finally ended I suddenly felt proud of myself, I had taken all these cocks, how many other people could handle that?

The last guests were just leaving, Becky and Jim; Becky for some reason seemed eager to get to know me better, asking to speak to Ian before she left.

“We’re having an all girls party in 3 weeks, can we borrow your slave for then?”

“Sorry Becky but I don’t lend him out,” replied Ian.

“Aw please, it would make a great conversation starter,” Becky asked again.

“Sorry but no!”

“We’ll pay you,” Becky pleaded.

“Ah, that changes things slightly, okay then you can rent him for £20,” Ian stated.

“That’s great, I can’t wait to tell the girls.”

“But I want paying now.”

“Okay,” answered Becky.

I stood and watched in horror as Becky handed over a mere £20 for my services for an entire Saturday night.

“See you later Becky, Jim,” called out Ian.

“See you later Ian, thanks for the party and I’ll see that thing later,” replied Becky, pointing at me as she said ‘that thing’.

I struggled to sleep that night, for the first few hours I kept waking up and thinking that I was still being gandbanged, then later on in the morning I kept waking up worried about what was in store for me at Becky’s party.

The next few weeks were uneventful, I got banged at least a couple of times a day, usually had to give a couple of blow jobs. I was in my final year and so I was obviously spending more and more time studying. Ian and the boys fully understood this and would do nothing to stop me studying. However, if I had been in my room studying for a couple of hours solid then one of them would walk in and insist that I took a break, moments later and I would be naked lying face down on their bed with them lying on top humping away like a rabbit during spring. It actually worked too, I would return to my books after 20 minutes away refreshed and ready to start concentrating again. Our lecturers were constantly reminding us to take breaks, I am not entirely convinced that that is what they meant; but hey, what works for you is okay.
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