Thread: Doctor Who
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Old 08-17-2011, 02:39 PM   #1509
Slenderman - Doctor
Truth or Dare Zealot
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Originally Posted by peaceful_soul View Post
I was wondering when this thread would reach the 100 page mark. Congrats to all you doctor who guys really are crazy.
Yes, yes we are, aren't we? *waves*

Originally Posted by Puggsley View Post
Its a pity, I loved Eccleston. I thought his Dr was fantastic, and he brought the series back. It is a pity he only did one season, but if he did more, then we might not have got Tennant, and he was superb.

I do agree with your review of Vincent and the Doctor, this was also one of my most favorite episodes. I loved it on so many levels. Why is it they can get the one offs so right, but cannot pull together the episodes that deal with the season long theme?

I am looking forward to the season kicking off again, as I'm holding out hope for another great episode like this.

Originally Posted by fraajad View Post
Silurians are not aliens, they come from earth so that is like saying dogs are aliens just because they are not human. Doctor who is my favorite show ever! The way Amy and the Doctor interact is wonderful.
To be picky, if they're not human, they can be 'alien' (in the sense you have people who are alienated, for example). Just use it as an insult, rather than a term/name. But I get your drift.

Originally Posted by Riley Taylor View Post
Yeah, well... y'know.

48 year long show deserves at LEAST 100 pages, don't you agree?

As for Eccleston, I feel he's an underrated Doctor, but you also have to remember that people are judging him by his episodes, and there were a lot of weak episodes with the 9th Doctor.

Really? The only weak spots were with the Slitheen, IMO. The rest were above average/great!

But the whole time the 11th Doctor is around, he's relatively calm, fun (albeit dangerous) to be around, and tries to keep it lighthearted. Literally a man who carries the weight of the universe on his shoulders. But unlike the 10th Doctor and (to a lesser extent) the 9th, he doesn't bitch and moan about it anywhere near as much.
Yes! (Also added stuff in your quote, as I couldn't be arsed replying to stuff individually, heh.)

Originally Posted by Star Shadows View Post
I never thought this thread would be as popular as it was when I first made it, I had totally underestimated harkness and doctor as contributing to it. I figured it would have just died out. So thanks.

I do agree with you though, Eccelston was under appreciated as a doctor because of how comparatively weak the episodes were. I love Matt Smith now though, as unconvinced as I was to start with.
Well it's a great show; and, as has been mentioned, it deserves 100+ pages

Originally Posted by Captain Harkness View Post
The Mirror has reported, Billie, Feeema and Cathrine will return in 2012.
This is too build up to the 50th anniversiery which moffat has stated 'I want to do several things for such a landmark'
Tennent has said he would be more than happy to come back but Eccelson has been more quiet.
COlin Baker also said he thought it'd be great to get as many living Doctors as possible in the 50th year.
Have they? I know people have reported that Billie/Freema/Tate will be in "Let's Kill Hitler" (because they do make cameo appearances!) but hadn't heard they'd be back for 2012... and 2013 is the anniversary year, so it'd make more sense for them to return in 2013, not 2012. Not convinced on that, sorry.

The more the merrier!
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