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Old 08-04-2023, 04:07 PM   #71
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Originally Posted by sadistslut View Post
How do you keep from being desensitized to intense stimulation? How do you keep yourself sensitive? Slave is not sure if she understands the questions, would you be kind to elaborate. Do you mean how slave keeps getting aroused after intense stimulations?
I'm sure you have some very intense things done to you in the dungeon, so my question pertains to physical sensitivity, how do you keep yourself physically sensitive and keep from desensitizing due to intense stimulation?

Being aroused by intense stimulation seems natural, though that brings up another question that might be fun to discuss: how arousing is said intense stimulations? How arousing is your experience doing anything in the dungeon? There have been more than a few descriptions regarding your experiences in the dungeon, but they've been mostly factual, can you talk about how being used makes you feel?

Also, thank you for the notes on aftercare, in a thread discussing the very real life of a slave, I'm glad we have a piece discussing aftercare. It's very important, but as you yourself have experienced, is often overlooked and easily neglected.

Is there anything else of importance you think should be discussed more in BDSM, that is often overlooked? Think about the hopefuls who find this AMA and get a fascinating peek into a lifestyle they can only fantasize about, what would you want to tell them, be they slave or master?
Just a dominant male
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