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Old 07-03-2023, 02:38 AM   #49
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Originally Posted by dare2be View Post
This sucked. This sucked a lot. I cried. I knew this would be difficult, so I decided to get it out of the way, and I was very right.

Updates. Two edges done from the thread today.

The first was done on all fours like a dog. I decided to hump the edge of my bathtub. My pussy was already coated in toothpaste from a previous punishment. I'd turned on the shower already in anticipation of completing the enema edge, so the edge of the tub was sprinkled with water. The combination of toothpaste & water created a slippery, minty lather that stung & made it so difficult to find enough friction to edge. It was so frustrating. It was so slippery that I could feel nothing unless I pressed really hard, but the angle was difficult & I kept slamming my pussy into the edge of the tub. It was a combination of overstimulating pleasure & pain every time it happened. It took me about 5 minutes to edge while trying my absolute hardest.

The enema dare took 8 tries. 8. I used a 500mL bottle to measure, but that meant I had to eyeball it any time I was adding more. I just used the warm water from the shower & I didn't think it would cramp that badly. The first two enemas didn't cramp at all, but I started to leak before I could reach the edge. The sensation of too-full is really uncomfortable and I had a hard time trying to edge while focused on clenching. The third, 600mL enema is when the cramping began. I don't think I fully voided the previous two enemas so I was just filling myself more and more. I had to release it 30 seconds after I even opened the enema bag. I couldn't get more than half the bag in. Ten minutes later, after I was sure everything was out, I tried again.
This time I was frustrated. I set the drip to the enema bag to the fastest flow without just being fully open. I fully fit 650mL in less than a minute, but the cramping was still so strong that after two minutes of rubbing I had to void again.
I set the next bag to the slowest flow. The more water I had to take, the more I was cramping before the bag even finished filling me. I voided this enema after two minutes of rubbing. The cramping never stopped at this point & the pain was so distracting. I didn't even get close on this enema.
The sixth & seventh enema I was SO CLOSE TO THE EDGE but I never actually edged. At this point, the water was completely clear, but the cramping didn't stop. I rubbed for at least 5 minutes for the 7th enema. When I was finally starting to get close, I think the contractions of my pussy started making me cramp. I tried to power through it but I lost the arousal almost immediately & I pressed harder and harder until I was just painfully scrubbing my clit with pruney fingers.
After I released the 7th I almost gave up. The cramps were really bad. I just laid down in the shower after I voided the 7th bag and waited for the cramps to subside. Eventually they mostly subsided. At this point, I was only three more failures away from completing it anyways, and I'd suffered through that much already. I filled the bag wit.h 850mL & set it to the lowest possible flow, then lowered the bag.
Hey guys, I feel like an idiot. Are enemas not supposed to hurt this much? Did I really fuck this up this bad? The 8th enema still cramped, but it flowed in slowly & the cramping wasn't nearly as bad as it had been. I think practically rubbing my pussy raw with the 7th enema made me a little bit more sensitive. It took about a minute but I finally edged & could release the 8th enema.

I still have one more edge to do while looking at my content. I have an early morning, and I can't imagine the wakeup call after a task like that will be very fun.

Thank you for the very, very extended pain Sirdenial. It certainly felt like a very harsh punishment.
5 edges without releasing each edge add a 100 ml of fluid to your enema
<3 My perfect angel, Bluecookies <3

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