Thread: Non-Fiction: My Naked Memoir
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Old 06-08-2023, 12:10 PM   #1
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Default My Naked Memoir

When I joined GetDare, it was to share my kink experiences related to nudity/exhibitionism/nudism etc. Since I first joined I've had many interesting experiences and am on track for many more, so I feel like I have enough content to write a coherent account of my time exploring my love for nudity. The experiences presented are true stories, with minor details and names changed for privacy reasons. Overall though, the experience and my feelings remain 100% authentic! I am mostly writing this for my own excitement as it brings me pleasure to reminisce about my experiences and fantasize about future ones, but I do hope you all enjoy it! Feel free to comment and share experiences too!


It's hard to pinpoint or understand where my love of nudity came from. I was the kind of toddler who loved to run around naked but that was of course a natural and innocent thing. I imagine that's where my interest in nudism comes from, from a comfort or primal level perhaps. As we all are, I was indoctrinated into believing that I should be ashamed by my naked body and to not show it to anyone outside of specific situations. Discovering porn and eventually public nudity porn began a conflict in me where I was embarrassed at the thought of anyone seeing my "private parts" (as we were often told to call them by prudish parents and teachers) but also a strange excitement at the idea of them being seen.

Fast forward to adulthood when I could drive and discovered there was an unofficial nude beach in my city (unofficial as in the cops knew about it but didn't care since it was far enough away from anything that it wasn't an issue) and decided to check it out. My heart pounded the entire hike to it (you have to park at a park and walk/hike to the area where nudity is accepted, past a clothed part of beach too) and as much as I wanted to get naked on the hike, I couldn't muster the courage. Eventually I found the most private area of beach I could and finally took my clothes off. It's a hard feeling to describe, the first time you feel the air on every part of your body... and the first time someone wearing clothes sees you totally naked!

Yes, a clothed guy walked by in that moment but he spoke to me totally normal, as if I wasn't even naked. I was frozen and screaming internally while I spoke to him, totally out there. Eventually I attempted to walk another direction and he went the other way. I had to commit to walking for a bit so I walked naked down the beach. Eventually I found a good place to turn around, only to see a clothed couple coming the way I needed to go. I chickened out and sat down on a bench while they passed. I made no effort to cover my penis however, allowing myself to get a little more comfortable.

When I eventually got dressed and left I actually saw the first guy in the nude.

To be continued from here, perhaps I'll tell more beach stories or move on to something else like the world naked bike ride.
Just a regular guy who loves to be naked. All bodies, genders, and sexualities deserve to feel comfortable in their own skin!

Fans of nudism, nudity, and exhibitionism, feel free to message me, let's be friends!
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