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Old 08-03-2011, 08:03 AM   #26
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I realise that this thread is quite old but I want to try some of these dares and was hoping someone could remove some of the variability in them. I've put my questions in bold and will try to do the dares as dictated by whoever responds.

The Naked Sprint

When doing this dare it is best to not have socks or underwear on! Take them off and then get dressed again.

1. Hike to a location in your neighborhood where you have enough privacy to get undressed but not enough privacy that you can move out of the location safely and not be seen. A clump of bushes works well!
2. Undress and take off your shoes. If possible stuff your shirt and/or pants into a shoe. Take your clothes and them them as far away as possible.
3. Your task now is to find your clothes and get dressed without getting seen!

How do I get rid of my clothes from the bush etc.? Do I just throw them out? Won't this draw lots of attention? Can try this or a variant if someone comes up with an idea.

The Embarrassing Situation

For this dare wear a thin pair of shorts with your most reveling pair of underwear under (for a harder version wear NOTHING under!). Bring a pair of scissors and another pair of shorts!

1. Scout out two remote location near where you live where you will not be seen.
2. In one of these locations stash your extra pair of shorts (if you don't want to carry the extra pair wear it over your other pair).
3. Goto the other location and remove your shorts. Cut them up so they can't be worn.
4. You must now make your way to the location with the extra pair of shorts without being seen!

What time of day should this be done at? How far should the distance be between the 2 locations?

The Wait & Escape

This dare requires a lock that takes a key and a water bottle or any size. You will also need two zip ties (bring extra if you have them) OR a pair of handcuffs.

1. Unlock your lock. Completely freeze the key in your plastic wattle bottle.
2. Hike to a semi-secluded location with your water-bottle, zip ties OR handcuffs, and your unlocked lock. The location should be small and hidden but near where people might go.
3. Undress and hide/throw your clothes well out of reach but still in the nearby area. Keep your water bottle with you!
4. Undress and fasten the zip ties around each of your wrists. Find an item in the area you can attach yourself to (a small tree or fence works best). Click the lock shut when you have looped a small part of each zip tie in.
5. Wait for the ice to melt so you can escape!

How big should the bottle of water be? How public should the location be? What time of day should I do this at?
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