Thread: Tyler's Project
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Old 04-22-2023, 10:51 PM   #6
Join Date: Dec 2021
Location: NY, USA
Posts: 72
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Part 3:

Now Tyler was pretty self conscious of the fact he was still a virgin, while he had a crush on Ashley nothing ever happened between the two of them. The only one who knew about him being a virgin and his crush was his best friend Shawn. They have been friends for years before college and then Ashley joined their group the first year of college. With the way things were going with this game he was hoping that might change.

“I’m still a virgin,” Tyler said.

“There’s no way,” said Marissa.

“Can confirm it’s true,” said Shawn.
The group was mostly surprised but kept it to themselves, it's not like he was a bad looking dude, he worked out and was relatively outgoing. Marissa had the most confused reaction out of all of them, she had a crush on him for years but never had the guts to say anything to him out of fear of losing their friendship. Marissa realized that this game might be her chance to make something happen between the two of them if she played her cards right.

“Truth or dare John,” asked Tyler hoping to get the attention back onto the game.

“Dare,” said John.

“Dare you to make out with Emma for one minute.”

“Easy,” said John, “Is that cool with you?”

“Yeah go for it,” said Emma.

They started making out as the others watched. It started to get steamy as their hands started to roam over each other's bodies. They started really getting into it, John started to get an erection and Emma felt it, hell she was dripping, not that anyone else knew.

“Time,” said Tyler, kinda wishing he said longer than a minute.

“Appreciate that one,” said John.

“Yeah not too bad at all,” said Emma.

“Emma truth or dare?” asked John.

“Truth,” said Emma.

“How wet are you?”

“I’d say pretty wet, I really liked that dare, you're one heck of a kisser.” she said.
John seemed pretty pleased with himself after that answer, even the other girls were hoping that maybe they would get a chance later.

“Truth or dare Ashley?” said Emma.

“After that I feel like I have to choose dare,” Ashley said.

“Okay I dare you to stay in your bra and panties for the rest of the game.”

“Easy enough,” responded Ashley. She stood up and started taking her clothes off, she made sure to give the boys a show as she stripped and bent over to give them a good view of her ass. As she sat back down Tyler could’ve sworn he saw a wet spot on her panties, he looked over at Shawn and Shawn gave him a nod to say that he saw the same thing too.

“Tyler truth or dare?” asked Ashley.

Tyler broke out of the trance that Ashley put him in and responde, “Dare.”
Ashley was hoping that he would choose that and had carefully thought of a dare to break him out of his comfort and keep the game rolling. “ I dare you to strip to your boxers, run around your house then stay like that for the rest of the game.”
Tyler was pretty shocked by that dare, he knew the game was getting up there but to do something where he might get seen he wasn’t too sure about that.

“What if someone sees me come on, is there something else I can do?” pleaded Tyler.

Ashley thought about it for a second then said, “Okay if you don’t want to do that you can strip completely naked and stay that way for the rest of the game.”

“Okay running around the house it is,” Tyler said, not too happy with the choices. He stripped down to his boxers and gave one pleading look to the group. He got motioned to go and Tyler started. Of course with Tyler’s luck the second he opened his door someone was walking their dog in front of his house. He started sprinting around the house to get this dare done as soon as possible. As Tyler was running he could’ve sworn he saw his neighbor through the window but didn’t think anything of it and kept running around. He finally made it back inside slightly out of breath.

“How was it?” asked Ashley.

“Minus the dog walker and possibly my neighbor seeing me I need to start doing more cardio at the gym.” he said slightly panting. That got a nice chuckle from the group. What the group didn’t know was while they were laughing at Tyler, at the house next to them Tyler’s neighbor had seen them and was watching and waiting to see where this game would go.

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My Story: Tyler's Project

Last edited by ThatGuy821; 04-25-2023 at 07:21 PM. Reason: wrote part 4 instead of 3 lol
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