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Old 03-29-2023, 10:53 AM   #1
Account Banned
Join Date: Apr 2020
Location: UK
Posts: 56
Thumbs down goodbye

Update: soo looks like this site hasn't changed at all, pity I can't delete threads because I'd love to delete my chaster thread that you all love to use to advertise your locks on but not interact with me at all, that sure is a popular thread

I had the most filled out profile, hundreds of pics in my album, links to all my kinky socials on my profile here - I live the kinky lifestyle 24/7, and yet none of you lot ever even try to reply or dm or even acknowledge that I exist

yet this thread here: from a nobody who just joined to post this thread, with zero pics, zero proof he was even doing the dare got plenty of replies lol - pretty much a similar thread to mine and I could post countless links to more examples of threads with the same kink getting tons of attention (and not just female people either), not like its a niche fetish to have around here, forced barefooting has 10+ pages worth of threads if you use the search function before anyone uses that excuse again

well that's it, I've deleted everything I could from here and have zero intentions of wasting my time with this place any longer, enjoy your circle jerk with all the populars like that rabbit/bunny guy I see regularly getting 200+ replies, whose age has stayed the same for the last 5 years lol not that he ever posts real life pics either

don't bother replying now either, I'll not be watching this thread or logging in again so it'll be a waste of your time, I'll adapt my game to use it with my social media following instead (where nearly every kinky pic I post more than of 500 likes, y'know people who appreciate the content I put out for free)

Adiós pricks.
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