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Old 02-18-2008, 05:58 AM   #1
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Default Burning Desire [FICTION]

My first, first person story. Always wanted to do one and now I have the chance.. well actually, I've been too lazy to write. Anyway, to save myself from boredom activitys such as becoming overweight and playing with elastic bands, Here's a heart warming tale of.. I'll let you know when I write it ANYWAY! WE BEGIN, CONCERNTRAIT!

Hi, my name is Ronny. I live in a country town in Australia. I'd tell you the name but I'd like to stay unknown. I like to swim, listen to music and help my brother out on the farm. Bloody tiring work I tell ya'. I'm 17 and I've always been a quiet, well mannered kid who kept to himself about stuff, you know, the kind that no one even considers talking to and whatnot. Yea', you guessed it. I was the kid at school who got the short end of the stick. Tell ya' what, I'd love to beat the shit out of a few of those kids now' days. Well, you're probably sick of my jabbering, I just like to get to know folks before I go telling em' secrets like this. Now, despite all the 'Mysterious, weird guy' crap. I have an active internet life and my personality on the net' is the exact opposite to my real life. Kinda' like the Jackle and Hyde thing, you know? Split Perso.. yea', that crap. I have loads of friends on Myspace and I even have girls asking if I'm single. What's the fucking point though? I'm not getting a shela who lives 300 bloody K's away, stuff that. I'll just masturbate, it works for me. Now, on the subject of sex, bet you dirty basterds would get a kick out of this and hey! This is strictly campfire circle gossip ok? If you tell anyone, I'll chop off your balls and feed them to my dog, ok? Now it all started when I was in 10th Grade. There was this girl. Marissa her name was. Now, she was soo god damn hot! I mean, long, tanned legs, blonde hair, pouty lips, beautiful face. The list goes on but anyway. I think she kinda' knew that I was sniffing around like a dog behind her and she used to love teasing me. If she saw me in class looking at her, she'd lift a leg up and reveal a bit more of that sexy thigh but never, ever would she talk to me. I'd say hi and she'd laugh and walk off. It sucked ass! There I was waiting for her to one day run up and say "Let's fuck!" but she never did.. I don't think she would of if it wasn't for this site aye'. Getdare or some shit like that. I dunno' but anyway! I came home from school and jumped on the net to see all my invisible, cyber mates. I was going through all the Myspace bullshit when I had the urge to have a wank. So I jump on google and I search "Amputee porn". Found nothing but when I searched "Sexual dares" I found this site. I clicked it and up came these forums. I signed up and away I went. Posting dares for people and making threads for people to dare me. After about a week on the site, I did a little more exploring and found a forum for slaves seeking masters. Now, I've always liked a little bit of S&M action so I decided to post a thread and see what I got. "16/M/Australia seeks M/F master to treat me badly". No replys for about a week untill one day, I decided to have a see and look if anyone had replied. One reply. "Hi, where in Australia? 17/F/Aus'". "I'm in Alice Springs, you?". "Me too!". From there it blossomed into something else. "Yea, I'm looking for a master who is into some really kinky stuff". "I think I'm your master then!". After a bitmore chatting and some details, that night we organised a meet. At Welsh Park at 11pm. I got up off the computer and ran upstairs and got some decent clothes on and a pack of Smiths chips (I was hungry!). At 10pm, I left my house to embark on the 2 Km' to Walsh Park. While I was crapping my pants about the thought that it might be a 34 year old man with a hearing aid and a freckle on his nose, I was also soo fucking excited that I was finally going to have my fantasies for-filled. So, after a killer walk, I arrive at 10:46pm. I walk over to one of the benches and collapse on it. I was dead out of breath. I just sat there for 10 minutes playing with my shirt buttons wondering when the fuck she was going to get here and in that instance, a car pulled up into the car park. My eyes opened and strained to see past the lights. I saw two figures get out and in that moment, I felt a hard object clobber my head. It knocked me out no doubt. I dreamt of being on an ocean, being able to walk on the water. I walked for about 2 hours when it all went black. I realised I was awake but what woke me up made my penis curl up and start crying. It was..

To Be Continued.

Last edited by RocksOff; 02-21-2008 at 06:20 AM.
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