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Old 12-22-2006, 01:20 PM   #1
cheesy dude
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Default Robin Hood: Dare In Tights [FICTION]

Robin Hood 'i dare the rich and show the poor'

Robin hood and his married men all go around the town of 'Lockme' as if they own the place. But the sherriff of nottinmyham dosnt like it. Robin has a horrible way of making rich people, that supply the sherrif with lots of tax, do dares and then showing them do dares to the poor. The rich then get so emmbarrased and leave the country therefore no longer paying there taxes.

The most famous example was what he tricked 'Lord Guy' into doing.
"Guy?" robin had said,
"do you ever think about having a game of tord?... you know a game of the old spin the goblet?"
"not anymore my time of doing so has long passed, if i were 6 months yonger... maybe" replied Guy.
" ahh yes you were the nottinmyham champ wernt you? How about i give u a game?"
"i dont know, its been a long time"
"u a man? or a mans pet mouse?" asked robin with a sly grin on his face, hidden from guy by a glove covered hand.
"OK THEN" Guy cried "i will play you AND win... hmmm... lets make it interesting eh? the winner pays say 200 pounds to the winner?"

So then the dares started flying... the two professional darers started small... testing their opponent.
" i dare thee to wegdie thyseves" and "i dare ye to do 10 pushups"

But soon the two were in a rage of dares. Guy dared robbin to drink toilet water. robin did it as well. He marched up to the privee and drank it. Whats more he asked for a goblet and filled it with the loo water. Then he emptyed the glass. The challenger, Guy, could only look on in fear. Was robbin mad or just plain stupid?

Then robin made his move. He said
"Guy, I dare you to run to the well and back..." a pause, guy grinned.
" is that all?" he mused
"NAKED" laughed robin.

Guy stood deadly still for a minute. he remembered daring a person to do the very same in the nottinmyham championship ages ago. Guy walked over to the window and peered out. The courtyard was empty. He made up his mind, the thought of 500 pounds kept him going.
"il do it" he croaked wierly.

At that he stripped to his bare skin and jumped down stairs. As he did so however robin walked over to his bow. Robin then dashed over to the window and shot two arrows into the window of a near by house. 'His plan' he thought 'was happening perfectly'.

He looked out of the window again. he saw Guy walking briskly over to the well. He was half way their, probably thinking he wasnt going to be seen, when the 15 or so villagers came out of their house. (The 1 Robin had fired 2 arrows into) They carried baskets of fruit. Asif on que they began throwing rotten fruit at Guy. They hated him, he always made them do hard work.

The fruit made contact with Guy's bare flesh. he despratly tryed to coverhimself but it was hard when lso protecting from flying fruit. He had ran to the stables and found a horse. He rode off, naked, at high speed. He was never seen in nottinmyham again.

SO... robin and his married men had won again. Drove a rich lord away. Much to the anger of the sherrif.

PART 2 robin hood vs the sherifs best , coming soon
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