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Old 07-26-2011, 06:55 PM   #13
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1. Cold Pizza? Yes or No? Not at all, I like it scalding hot.

2. On your ipod, zune, or other musical device, what is the most played song? "Dirt Road Anthem" by Jason Aldean

3. If you had the opportunity to compete on a game show, what show would you appear on? Match Game 74

4. If you could touch any area besides the "special" parts on your dream girl/boy's body what place would it be? Legs

5. If you could spend the day hanging out with any celeberity who would it be and why? Either train with Georges St Pierre, or have a BBQ with Zac Brown.

6. What is the best impression you can do? Robin Williams and his "Scotsman and Golf" bit.

7. What is your favorite word? Fuck

8. How many languages can you speak, and what are they? Only speak one, taking Russian at school next year though. And I know American Sign Language.

9. What was the last book you read in it's entirety? The Lorax, I read that weekly. But I'm currently reading Gulliver's Travels, History of the Modern Sniper, and The Republic

10. If you could have any animal as a pet, with no dangerous consequences, what would it be? Arctic Wolf

11. What is your perfect pizza? Pepperoni, Ham, Sausage, Bacon, Jerk Chicken, Green Peppers, Cheddar and Mozzarella, Deep dish with a meat stuffed crust.

12. Describe your favorite pair of underwear. - I honestly haven't worn underwear in almost 5 years. I just feel more comfortable without them, I only own 5 pairs of boxers now that I mainly just sleep in and wear only to go to the doctors (I forgot to put some one the first time I went to an actual hospital after I stopped wearing them and when I put the gown on I had to hold the back closed). But of those my favorite would be either my Jack Daniels ones or my Guinness ones.

13. What is your favorite board game? Diplomacy or Balderdash, Apples to Apples beats both of those but it's not a board game.

14. What are you wearing right now? Nothing, I'm pooping.

15. You are asleep usually from 4am to 10am. In the summer at least. Different times in school year.

16. If you could open a restaurant what kind of food would you serve? Good ole southern BBQ

17. What is your favorite mythological creature? I'm gonna be cliche and say a dragon.

18. What was the last movie you saw in theaters (the cinema)? Captain America at the midnight showing.

Here are the requestions that require a little more thought.

19. Tell a short humorous anecdote about yourself.
My first tattoo I got was while drinking Mickey's at a friend's house, she was a tattoo artist and had a gun at the place so after quite a few drinks I told her I wanted a stick figure tattoo. She laughed and said I couldn't be serious but I told her I was so she said to draw it on myself and she'd do it. Well now I have a stick figure tattoo running the length of my rib cage with the words "Be Yourself" across the center of it.

20. In George Orwell's book "1984" the following quote was said, "The thing that is in Room 101 is the worst thing in the world." What is behind your Room 101?
Losing control of my own body, like being a quadriplegic. I can tough it out through most inconvenient things, broken bones, being sick, etc. But having to rely on other people for almost everything is one of my only two fears. I hate people taking care of me, doing things for me, etc. I like to be in control and know that what I did was my doing and if it's good I can be proud if it sucked I know I'm the only one to blame.
27, Male, Dominant
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