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Old 03-01-2023, 06:54 PM   #6
Join Date: Jan 2021
Posts: 50

I like how most of these are outside, not what you’re asking for ��

You could:
- wear a short skirt to the mall, no panties of course, and go shoe shopping. Get the cutest person you can find to help you. Oldy, but a goodie. Ride the escalator a lot and give people upskirts. Bend over and shop for things on the bottom shelves a lot.
- You could go and ask strangers to rate your body parts. Tits or ass, and flash them if they agree.
- Go to the mall and try on clothes, but instead of using the change room just get changed in the isle.
- Go swimming in sheer swimwear.
- Buy a cheap set of yoga pants that’s a size too small, and pull it up. So it stretches and gives you a bit of a camel toe. Could even tear an opening and pretend you didn’t notice.
- Go hang out at a sex store and ask for suggestions on what toy to buy. From the staff or other customers. If they give you one, say they can watch you use it if they buy it for you.
- If there’s an adult theatre go and watch a movie naked. Bonus points for masturbating and random sex.
- Don’t know where you live, but we have public bath houses here. Mostly for guys, but they have coed days. Good excuse to walk around sweaty and naked.
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