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Old 07-19-2011, 11:44 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by lilysmaster View Post
A small portion of the problem is people lying about their age. So where this is not the main discussion I still find it valid and adding to the conversation and agree completely.

To clarify, not to sound rude, although you are not interested in it, many many U18s are, and resort to lying about age, or just doing it. Not sure if you realized that, if you did than okay. I do understand to topic was originally about U18s that don't want it but U18s are at just as much fault for it as 18+, we should just have more common sense to not get into it.
Actually, people lying about their age is a HUGE issue now that you have to sign up as 18+. I can assume that at least half of the underagers that look at this site still sign up except now they are underage but have the 18+ title.

While the linces idea probably works wonders, it will drive people away so bad or no one will simply do it. The idea scares the shit out of me really. The mods on this site are just regular people. While I very much trust most of the mods (the ones I don't I don't know) on here, I still would feel a little wierd giveing them that much info. That idea is compounded if you are brand new on the site and don't know anyone. If you're willing to give out that much info without knowing a single thing about the person you're giving it to, you need to take a step away from the computer and think about it for a few minutes. It is pretty crazy to do.

There was a nelly,
a very smelly enchanted nelly
sweet as vegemite could be
ahaha just kidding, but still loved just the same <3
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