Thread: Sabrina
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Old 11-13-2022, 10:02 PM   #20
bondage bunny
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Posts: 33

Sabrina awoke from her sleep in the back seat of the car wiping her eyes and sitting up. “How long have I been asleep? She asked Becky. “Around two hours and another three hours to go and we will be at the campgrounds where we will be camping for a couple of days in tents.”

“Now I’m awake will you two want me to do a task or something for you?” Sabrina replied expecting them to want her to do something to entertain them like they would normally do to her but this time was different. “Not now sweetie you can just relax and enjoy the drive Becky told her as she looked at her in the rear vision mirror and smiled.

Sabrina looked a little surprised at Becky and Tammy for not wanting to play with her and letting her just be normal on the drive as this was out of character for them.

Another hour down the roar Tammy pulled over on the side of the road to change over and let Becky drive then got into the passenger seat and they started back driving down the road. Again Sabrina asked if there was anything she needed to do for them. “No, you just use the time to relax for now and enjoy the drive but I don’t want you to get bored there so I will ask you some questions and answer truthfully.” Tammy said to her as she thought about what to ask her.

Sabrina was waiting in anticipation and expecting some dirty or humiliating questions but she was surprised and curious as to why they were fairly tame.

Tammy thought for a bit and started to ask Sabrina some questions.

“OK Sabrina, here is your first question. “When you were at school or at parties or events did you like participating in contest, games or challenges against others?”

What sort of question was that? It’s not like them to ask me something so tame.” Sabrina thought then gave her answer “yes I used to love having games and competitions at birthdays and compete at sports days against others.”

“Good answer now here is another question “how do you feel about scavenger hunt like games?”

“I liked playing them at parties” Sabrina replied still wondering why all the questions.

“How loyal are you to us and would you prove it to us if we asked you to?

This question was out of the ordinary to Sabrina as she thought they would have knew by now she would do anything for them if they asked her. “Yes of course I would even if I found it hard I certainly would try to show you I’m a good slave to you.”

“Thank you, that’s all the questions so I’m going to have a nap before we get to the camp grounds” Tammy said as she placed her head against the headrest and closed her eyes.

“By the time they reached the campgrounds it was three o’clock in the afternoon and Becky drove slowly through the camp looking for their tent site for the next couple of days and as they drove slowly through the camp site Sabrina had noticed that each camp site was set up as they were apart from each other and grassed with heavily shaded with big trees around them.

As they passed one of the many communal shower blocks scattered around the campgrounds and down the road another one hundred meters they finally found number twenty five that they were looking for. The camp site looked great with a fire pit with wooden benches around it with a shower and toilet room just fifty meters from their site that was well lit up by big street lights that were all over the paths and toilets and the best part of their site was the fact that it was out of view of the other campsites because of the rows of bushes and trees around them.

“This is a good spot for our tent” Becky said to them as she took it out of the back of the car then placed it down on the grass and started to set it up. Once the tent was set up and that had set up all their supplies and things it was around three thirty and they lit the fire pit and sat around it admiring their work and chatting to each other and drinking wine as they relaxed for the rest of the day.

Around one hour later ten minutes later the wine was taking affect on Sabrina as both Tammy and Becky thought it would be fun to keep her glass topped up to see her get tipsy. “Hello I’m Jenny” a timid voice came from the entrance of the site and looking over to where it was coming from they could see it was a small framed brown haired girl around fifteen on her bike and looking towards them. “I’m over in campsite twenty four about two hundred meters down the path and I just wanted to say hi.”

“Come here and have a seat near the fire” Becky replied pointing to the empty bench next to Sabrina and waiting for her to sit down then asking her some questions being curious about her camping neighbor.

“Hi Jenny this is Becky, Sabrina and I’m Tammy, who are you camping with?”

“I’m on holidays with my older sister and we are here for a week and then going home.” Jenny replied to her question as she looked around then continued to say to her “it was good here the first couple of days but now it’s just boring because I’ve seen everything and all the other campers in the campgrounds are way over the other side and are older than me so they do their own thing and not interested in playing with me.” Jenny said to Tammy.

“Well you can hang out with us anytime you want to come over, we are here for the next couple of days and even though we are older than you we will still be friends with you but hanging around with us we tend to do more adult things like have drink wine and play games but you can just watch if you’re not used to that. Said Tammy as she picked up the wine bottle and topped up Sabrina’s glass again.

“I don’t know if I want to play games but I will think about it though, I am going back to my camp to tell my sister I’ve met some new friends and will be late home so as not to worry her and I will be back later today” Jenny said as she got up of the bench then picked up her bike and rode off down the path.

“She’s a nice girl and pretty as well” Tammy said to Becky as she opened a new bottle of wine and filed her glass. “She looks a little naïve and shy but we can get her more concordant with Sabrina’s help to play games with us later Replied Becky as they both giggled at the thought of a new play thing.

“Here is a task for you later, we want to have her playing some games and having a drink with us so your job is to do dares or tasks without hesitation to show her its fine for her to try a dare or two and we will have her eventually doing dares that involve you.” Becky told Sabrina then Sabrina nodded her head in compliance

Last edited by bondage bunny; 11-17-2022 at 04:31 AM.
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