Thread: Fiction: ENF Initiation
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Old 07-04-2011, 03:20 PM   #1
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Default ENF Initiation

Hey guys, this is my first every story. Please don't be too mean about it.
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The note simply read as follows:

“Congratulations Kappa Phi hopefuls. You are one of the five girls that has been selected for the final round of consideration for this sorority. Only one last task remains. Meet us Friday at 10:00pm under the large oak tree near the football practice field. Further instructions will be given upon arrival.

Each of the girls that received this message was extremely excited. They had beat out dozens of other girls in the hopes of joining the most exclusive sorority on campus. The last time they received a message like this; there were still ten girls in the running. Now, only one task remained.
Haley, Zoe, Catherine, Irene, and Nicole all showed up about five minutes before ten. They talked amongst themselves about what the task might be and congratulated each other on making it this far. Because it was a very dark night, none of them noticed the approach of the two senior members.
“Good evening, girls”, the sorority president’s cheery voice cut through the small talk. It rang of anticipation, but also had a touch of mischievousness that none of the girls noticed due to their excitement. “You have made it to the final stage of admittance into our sorority, and for that you should be congratulated. Only one task remains before you learn our final decisions, are you ready?”
All the girls murmured with agreement. The sorority’s vice president spoke up. “The last task is simple. In a minute you will all strip naked and streak across the football field. At the other end zone there are five envelopes. You will each retrieve one envelope and bring it back to this tree, where you may open them. Does everyone understand?”
Each of the girls felt both apprehension and relief. Stories around campus told of much harder and crueler initiations. While none of them especially wanted to be naked, it wasn’t a very public place. Sure it was open, but the night was very dark and would conceal them. The practice field was on the far end of campus from most of the dorms, and the fact that it was Friday night meant most people were out partying. It actually seemed like a pretty easy initiation, and for that the girls were relieved.
The girls started striping. Haley and Nicole undressed quickly, letting their clothes fall in a pile. They were the first two naked, and stood up straight with their arms crossed over their breasts. Zoe and Irene were a bit slower to get nude. They slid articles of clothes off apprehensively and folded their clothes into piles for quick access when they were getting dressed again. Catherine was the slowest to strip, unhooking her bra and quickly cupping her breasts with one arm before letting if fall to the ground. Catherine was the one most happy that the night was so dark, and couldn’t wait to be back in her clothes. Finally, all five girls stood stark naked in the warm summer air; shifting their weight around nervously waiting for the run to begin.
“Alright then girls”, the president giggled, “GO!”
Haley and Nicole shrieked with laughter as they took off across the field; both reveling in the freedom of it, and loving the feeling of grass on their bare feet. They ran cupping their breast with each hand, more for comfort than for modesty. They stayed together in a brisk jog as they made their way across the field. Zoe ran by herself in the middle of the pack, she had one arm over her breasts and the other covering her pussy. She ran in quick short steps with her head down and her face slightly red. She just scurried along knowing she wouldn’t be naked for too much longer. Irene stayed back with Catherine and the two kept each other occupied with nervous laughter and I-can’t-believe-we’re-doing-this type banter. The girls were all pretty close together as they ran, and they all passed the 50 yard line on the practice field at about the same time.

Back near the tree, the vice president smiled at the president of the sorority. The VP turned and called behind her, “Okay, you’re good.”
Concealed in the darkness, the five most recently rejected applicants emerged from behind some bushes near the starting point. They all hurried to the VP, giggling maliciously.
“I’m sorry that you girls weren’t able to make the final cut for our sorority, but we have for you all a wonderful consolation prize. The five girls that took your spots are all running stark naked down the field right now. It would be a shame if something happened to all of their clothes.”
The five started laughing even more mischievously. They each ran up to the tree and picked up a pile of clothes in their arms. They put each of the piles of clothes in a garbage bag and wrote down the dorm number of the girl that owned the clothes.
“Alright, you are to carry these bags with you and make sure that they get back to the owner at the end of tonight. You are now free to do whatever you want to make it harder for the girls to get back to their dorm rooms unseen. Have a good time and remember not to tell anyone about this. We wouldn’t want to spoil the fun for next year’s candidates.”
The VP and sorority president left the scene, talking and reminiscing about their initiation experience. The five girls all giggled and ran back to the bushes, waiting for the other girls to come back and discover their predicament.

All five girls got to the end zone at roughly the same time. Each now slightly out of breath from running and laughing, they picked up the envelopes and headed back. Catherine had relaxed slightly from talking to Irene and not focusing on her nudity. Zoe decided to stay with Irene and Catherine, listening to their conversation helped make her more calm, and seeing the other two’s naked bodies made her feel more comfortable with her own nakedness. Haley and Nicole still laughed like lunatics as they had started pinching and spanking each others’ butts for fun as they ran. Each held their envelopes tightly as they neared the tree; ready to be congratulated by the president on completing the final task. As they got closer, Catherine and Nicole’s laugher faded a bit as they looked back and forth for the silhouettes of the president and VP. When they didn’t see them right away, their jog slowed to an apprehensive walk. Nicole rounded the tree, waiting to see her pile of clothes.
“What the hell?” Nicole exclaimed in a low voice, not wanting to draw any nearby person’s attention.
“What’s wrong?” Catherine asked before she too rounded the corner to see an empty patch of grass where her clothes used to be.
Eventually all the girls arrived at the tree and discovered their lack of covering. As the realization sunk in, the girls became more and more aware of their nakedness; even more so than when they had first striped. Even Catherine and Nicole began covering themselves shyly with their hands.
“Maybe the envelopes tell us where our clothes are,” said Irene hopefully. The other girls latched on to this idea as each ripped open the blank white envelopes and pulled out the note within.”
Hello Girls,
Welcome to the real final task. If you are reading this, you are now stranded completely naked on the other side of campus from your dorms. Your clothes are in route to your rooms and will be returned to you once you have completed your initiation. The goal is simple; make it back to your rooms. The only rule of this game is that you may not travel with anyone else, you must go it alone. Good luck, and try not to get caught!
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More is on it's way, possibly very soon.
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