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Old 09-05-2022, 07:29 AM   #8
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 68

One of my fantasies is to have a check up at the doctors and have to get completely nude.
Well turns out that something they need is in a different room. So they get me to walk across the corridor, telling me to leave my clothes in that room as there's no point getting dressed and undressed again. We'll at my doctors surgery, if you go across the corridor you can be seen by the other patients. So some of them see me walking naked. Well, when we get to the other room, the fire alarm goes off and we all need to evacuate. We are not allowed to pick up any belongings for safety reasons. We all have to go outside. Well outside my docrors surgery, there's a pavement and a main road. So then I am naked and barefoot in a very public place. They get us to line up, one person in each line, standing facing opposite the road so as to give space to pedestrians coming past. The staff stand at the front of the surgery.
We are told to put our hands to our sides. At first I don't but I get told off and told to do as everyone else. But my penis is erect so I point this out. But I'm told they don't care, no exceptions. So I put my hands to the side. So now I am fully exposed, my erect cock and balls visible to any pedestrians going past and my butt visible to anyone driving past. Not taking any chances, the staff tell me to put my hands behind my back as they can't trust me not to put them in front of me due to me refusing twice. A girl who happens to have handcuffs takes the opportunity and grabs my hands with the help of her friends and handcuffs me. They inform me the key is inside the building.
The staff member says it serves me right.
People take photos of me of both the front of my with erect cock and my butt, many pics showing my face, I can't stop them.
Eventually we are allowed back inside and the girl gets the key and takes the handcuffs off. She says sorry but we shake hands and I say "No hard feelings." She looks at my still erect cock and laughs saying "Are you sure about that?" We both laugh. She then introduces herself and asks me my full name. I tell her.
There's a swingers club not too far from me. Later that week, I see on the outside, they've blown up the photos of me, both front and back and put in large letters:" Model name: "my full name". To advertise the club. They even somehow manage to get the pics on billboards in the area. So people I know see them as well as strangers. Somebody asks me if I gave them permission. I say no. So they say why don't I sue them. But I say there's no harm done, just a bit of embarrassment. And I don't want to sue a small business. They ask if I'm going to ask them to take them down. I say no, people have seem them now so they may as well leave them up for as long as they want or until somebody complains. But nobody complains so they stay up for a long time.
There's a singers club not too far from me.
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