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Old 06-29-2011, 10:10 AM   #3
getDare Sweetheart
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Default Chapter 1

Abbie, Olivia, Jade and I had just gotten back from the party. We were all sitting at our house discussing the people we had seen.

Abbie, who is a tall blonde, and somewhat kinky, was leading the discussion. She was the one who had corrupted all of us to some degree with a love for doing things with each other, despite the fact that we are girls.

Olivia and Jade are the kinda shy ones, but above all, they say I'm the shyest. Even that, however, failed to stop Abbie from totally ruining my innocence at my 18th birthday party. But, in a good way that I totally love her for.

"You know what's funny?" asked Abbie, "No matter what party you go to, there are always a group of awkward and creepy people standing in some corner somewhere!"

"Yeah, I know exactly what you mean," replied Jade, "But I try not to make fun of them.

"I really dont care much about their feelings. I totally told of the freak who was looking down my shirt!" Olivia pitched in.

"Thats becuase you have assets, hun," teased Abbie.

"Shy may have assets, but seriously, the way they were so blatantly obvious about it was really creepy. I was there, trust me," I replied. I failed to mention that one of them had been taking notes of some sort, which more than creeped me out. I was hoping that it was just a trick of my mind, or, being the typical awkward person, that those were just his science notes.

"Hey Lyn, did you feel someone slip something down the back of your dress at the party?" Asked Jade.

"No, why?" I replied.

"Well, because I swear i felt someone do that to me, but nothing fell out when I jumped up and down" said Jade.

We all shrugged and just decided to head to bed, since we were all sleeping at my house. There was a chorus of good nights and we all headed to bed. Little did we know that it would be anything but a good night, and a more than terrifying next few days.
Likes: awkward/embarrassing, being turned on, light bondage, masturbating, ice, some (really really light) pain
Limits (wont do): pics, anal, public (if involving complete nudity), nothing disgusting
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