Thread: Fiction: Last Night at Comicageddon
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Old 08-22-2022, 04:38 PM   #11
Join Date: Apr 2021
Posts: 47
Book pt11

Em wasn’t given much time to react as Alex pushed a button on his watch so she quickly brought her fingers to her nipples and started pinching. After a few seconds Alex, focused so much on his watch that he completely ignored that his huge cock was completely exposed and swaying up and down with his heartbeat, leaned over to Sarah and said “does that look like ‘hard as you can’?”.

Sarah gave him a mischievous look back and said “let me just check” before walking over to Em, who looked at her with a frown and said something that might have been ‘what are you doing?’ just before Sarah suddenly leaned forwards and pinched her fingers over the top of Em’s, squeezing down and twisting a little. Em squirmed and briefly screamed into the panties in her mouth, but she couldn’t push Sarah off as her arms were trapped. Tears started to form in the corners of Em’s eyes and she was breathing hard through her nose while Alex counted “25, 26, 27, 28, 29 aaaaaannnndddd…” extending it for a few seconds “30”.

Sarah released her grip and Em gently massaged her nipples. Em then reached for the panties in her mouth and I expected her to lash out but before she could Sarah put a hand over her mouth, stuffing the panties in even further and used the other arm to hold Em in a hug and stroke the back of her hair, whispering in her ear. I couldn’t hear what was said exactly but I did see Em’s expression change from anger to something else I couldn’t quite place. When Sarah released her grip she held Em’s cheeks, looked her in the eye and said “I told you pain and pleasure aren’t all that different”.

Where Sarah let go of Em’s cheeks I could see that they were burning bright red, but Em sat back massaging her nipples and didn’t ungag herself.
Sarah had a very satisfied smile on her face as she picked up a card when she returned to her seat, flashing it at me as she passed. A ten of clubs. I rolled my eyes and picked up my drink.

Sarah showed the card to everyone else before announcing to everyone “Em’s nipples look sore, so Mike is going to kiss them better. Mike, on your knees in front of Em. You must suck gently on each nipple for 20 seconds. Alex, you’ll time”. I assumed the position in front of Em, doing my best to hide my cock. I was too embarrassed to make eye contact with her so slowly leaned in and kissed around her left nipple before tentatively running the tip of my tongue over it. I heard her make a noise so looked up but she had her eyes closed and was breathing more heavily. I decided to try gently sucking while I moved my tongue in circles and felt Em’s hand on the back of my head, stroking my hair before gently but firmly moving me across to repeat the same on the other nipple. Glancing down, I saw her other hand was tucked between her legs, much more than she would’ve need to just try and hide her pussy.

There was a polite cough and I disengaged to look around. Alex had a grin on his face when he said “time was up thirty seconds ago mate”. I didn’t know what to say, Em and I exchanged a brief glance and I though I saw her smile as I turned away and picked up my card. King of diamonds.
Em, sat with one arm across her breasts, fighting a losing battle trying to cover herself, with her other hand tucked between her legs looked at me with wide eyes.

“don’t forget the special rule” Sarah said, unnecessarily.
I met Em’s eye and couldn’t keep a little smile from my lips.

“I dare you to make yourself cum right now”.

She kept eye contact with me and at first I thought she was trying to stare me down but then her eyes started to close and a quiet moan escaped from her. That was when I noticed that her hips were subtly grinding backwards and forwards and the hand between her thighs was rubbing in ever so subtle circles. As the next minute went on, with all of us staring intently at what was happening, her motions got less subtle. About a minute in her eyes closed fully and her arm across her breasts moved a little to the side and I realised she was pinching her nipple again. Soon her hips were grinding uncontrollably and her hand between her thighs was rubbing back at forth almost at a blur. Her whole body spasmed and what would’ve been a scream was muffled by the panties in her mouth. We sat in stunned silence for a few moments while Em removed the panties, took a drink and got her breath back.

“Alright. Now it’s a party!” blurted out Sarah. “Let’s keep things going”.
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