Thread: Fiction: Last Night at Comicageddon
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Old 08-22-2022, 04:12 PM   #2
Join Date: Apr 2021
Posts: 47
Book pt2

“Psst” hissed Alex as we were finishing up and putting the cash into the safe. I glanced over and saw him reach into his bag pull out a bottle of vodka. “For later” he said with a wink. I grinned at him and nodded. It was a habit that Alex and I had gotten into during stock take weeks. As a treat for having to stay late we let ourselves have a cheeky beer in the back office. Alex had clearly stepped up his game in celebration of the final time.

I hadn’t known Alex well before he joined the staff, one year after me. He’d been in the year above me in high school and we’d never hung out but I’d always been jealous of him. He was the kind of guy that developed early and then seemingly never stopped. He was 6’ by the time he was 15, played rugby at county level and was always dating the popular girls. Most irritatingly of all he had about as much ego as he did body fat – which was to say almost none. He was actually really sweet. Since working with him I’d learned that he hadn’t ‘gone to prison for kicking someone’s head in’, the popular rumour when he’d gone AWOL from town for a year after high school but had actually moved in with his gran up north for a while to help her when his grandad died. He only moved back down once she’d been moved into a care home. His one and only vice was that he did like to have a drink. But I was more than OK with that because so did I.

“What do you think of Sarah?” Alex asked me out of nowhere.

“Huh?” OK this is getting ridiculous. C’mon Mike, you got top grades in English, sort yourself out.
“What do you mean?” that’s better, actual words.

Alex squirmed a little and looked slightly nervous. I couldn’t remember ever seeing him like that.

“You think if I asked her to go out she’d be up for it?” He enquired.

That loveable moron. I’m not gay, not even a little bi – at least I don’t think so. There was that one dream where… not now mike – but even I can admit that Alex is a hunk. Wide shoulders with arms thick enough that you know you’d feel safe in them but not so bulging as to look scary. A classic action-hero jawline and eyes such a piercing blue that I actually had to ask him once if he wore coloured contacts.

“Yeh mate, I think she’d be down for that” I informed him.

I didn’t know for sure, but all the girls at school had fancied Alex so the odds were in his favour. Then again, Sarah hadn’t gone to our school. She moved to Wellinghtorpe two years ago when she was 19 after dropping out of Uni. None of us knew why because she kept mostly to herself. Some of the regulars to the shop used to joke that she was a witch. They didn’t mean it in a nasty way. In fact I think some of the girls from the highschool were in awe more than anything. I even saw a few of them change up their look to copy Sarah, ditching their manga T-shirts in favour of all black clothes and dark eye shadow. If Sarah noticed too, she didn’t say anything. But then Sarah rarely said anything beyond the occasional drily sarcastic observation. Truth be told I found her a little scary. Even though she was shorter than me and skinny as a rake, underneath that long black mane of hair there was a quiet intensity in her eyes.

“Cool” Replied Alex quietly with a sheepish smile. Then, rising from his chair and heading to the door
“Anyway, they’ll for sure be pissed if they think we’re hiding in here while they have all the fun counting them books. C’mon lad”
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