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Old 08-19-2022, 09:08 PM   #1
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Join Date: Jul 2022
Location: Minnesota
Posts: 13
Default Do you think people notice?

So, I've been casually and privately crossdressing for years. Only more recently, the last 3 years or so, have I gotten more confident crossdressing semi-publicly. Now I exclusivly wear womens' jeans publicly, every day, even to work - so there's my first question... Do you think the average person notices? Would you personally notice?

I also have womens' shirts that I wear publicly, though not to work, and usually just simple t-shirt type shirts (but womens' fit and size). Do you think the average person notices? Would you notice?

What about button-down shirts or polo shirts - the buttons are on the other side...?

I have some platform shoes (2") and hidden wedge booties (3") I wear occasionally... ?

A big hesitation of mine crossdressing and just being more feminine is my confidence and self-consciousness so in a way I'm just trying to gauge how many people would actually notice. Please don't pad your answers for the sake of making me feel better about it - be honest, I'm genuinely curious.
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