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Old 07-01-2022, 01:22 PM   #108
Junior Member
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Join Date: Feb 2014
Location: United States
Posts: 25
Blog Entries: 5

1. What's your favorite kind of porn to watch? Why does it turn you on?
Genital torture bdsm or orgasm control stuff, like denial or forced orgasms. Definitely more women than men but I can get off on anyone suffering in my porn :P idk why it turns me on, I like being or thinking about being very desperate and not in control

2. Have you ever masturbated to the thought of a friend or peer? Were you able to look them in the eye afterwards?
Ehh I think once or twice? But yes I didn't have trouble being around them after. Sometimes people masturbate to other people.

3. A family members walks in on you during a sexual act. Would you rather be giving oral sex or receiving oral sex when they come in?
Hmm. Probably giving, at least in theory.

4. What character would you like to fuck the most from the last movie you watched? The one you'd least like to?
Ohhh I don't know the last movie I watched. But if I go with the last tv show, maybe Jadzia Dax in DS9. I'm pretty asexual, generally speaking, but she's cool :3

5. Do you prefer girls to be shaved or have pubic hair?
Either is fine, I personally prefer shaved by a small margin.

6. Do you like armpit hair (on either gender) or is the sight of it a huge turn off for you?
Idk it doesn't bother me

7. What was the most humiliating dare you've ever done or given to someone?
I'm not sure?? I don't humiliate super easily and it's not really one of my kinks. Maybe riding a rope strung between two hangers in the closet of my bedroom when I still lived at my parents' house? Just because it was very risky and I was very sexually repressed.

8. What's the weirdest thing you've ever done for sexual pleasure?
Truly depends on what you see as weird. I used to think everything I did for sexual pleasure was weird. Torture fantasies and causing myself pain, when I'm in a particular mood. Also drove to work once with an electric toothbrush down my shorts. Came while I was driving.

9. A celebrity sends you nudes by accidents. Pick who you would want it to be if it was a girl and if it was a boy. Answer for both.
UMMMM. There's so many people out there to pick from. Not to be cliche but Ryan Reynolds aaaaand Amanda Seyfried.

10. Your phone malfunctions and posts your nudes onto your social media. What site would you prefer it be on?
Lmao definitely Tumblr. Or my side Instagram, if it has to be like a real social media site.

11. A gun is held to your head, and the robber tells you that you will either eat his ass or get fucked by his dog. Which one do you decide to choose?
Ohhhh yikes. I'm disappointed in myself that my first instinct is I'd rather take the dog option, nooooo. Just, I have MAJOR problems with things. Body parts. Especially gross stuff. Anywhere NEAR my mouth. Want to be clear that I am NOT into the other option by any means *crying emoji*

12. Boys: do you like having your balls sucked?
Girls: do you like having your tits sucked?
It is nice, yes

13. Thirteen is an unlucky number. Has anything bad ever happened to you during sex/while masturbating (I.e. you hit your head, you started bleeding, you got cum in your eye)?
Not that I can think of?

14. What's a kink that you used to dislike but now find really hot?
Idk about "find really hot" but there are some that have grown on me. Forced orgasms and omo come to mind!

15. Would you prefer to watch porn you find disgusting and be forced to masturbate, or would you rather watch your favorite kind of porn but not be allowed to touch yourself?
DEFINITELY the second option, that's pretty much one of my kinks!

16. Would you rather someone pee or cum in your ass?

17. Describe your ideal sexual partner (in terms of appearance). If you're pan or bi, describe one of each gender.
I'm gray asexual and really don't experience sexual attraction JUST based on appearance, I literally don't have an ideal "type" soooo yeah. Someone who is ultra competent and likes to be mean to me but still respects me on an intellectual level.

18. Your best friend finds out about the last way you masturbated. What is it that they learn about you?
Heh welllll they would be finding out just how masochistic I can be, and that my masturbation doesn't always look like touching myself or using a vibrator or shower head or whatever. Sometimes it's just causing myself pain and building up pressure until I cum. Oops.

19. What's the weirdest kink you've ever heard of?
No offense to anyone who has this kink - but anything to do with feces is just awful and strange to me. Not trying to yuck anyone's yum. Just. I do not get it.

20. If forced, would you rather have hot wax poured on your nipples or have them electro shocked?
Both???? But probably hot wax if I'm picking, because being shocked is so scary!

21. What is something that you have always wanted to try sexually, but haven't done yet?
CNC. With someone I trust a lot of course :P

22. You find out that your partner (real or imaginary) has a huge kink. What do you hope it is?
I kinda hope it's like a power exchance medfet thing. That's another think I would like to play around with. OH OR GENITAL AND/OR CHASTITY PIERCINGS.

23. Do you prefer to be slapped in the face with a dick or a hand?
Hand :3 getting slapped can be very fun

24. Do you like being called/calling other people derogatory names (I.e. slut, pig, cum slut)? How does it make you feel and why do you like it?
The right person can definitely call me degrading pet names! As long as I know they like me, it makes me feel owned and cared for and also like they see me as kinda helpless.

25. If you could choose one fictional character from a book to come alive and have sex with you, who would it be?
Am I a completely nuts if I say Visser Three form Animorphs? strong very evil domineering alien that really likes to flaunt his power and could very quickly and easily kill me at any moment. I want to put a more realistic example as an answer but honestly can't think of anyone.

26. Pretend that you have a master/mistress. She/he tells you that you can not cum until they either spank your ass until it's bruised or finger your pussy/give you a handjob with toothpaste or Icy Hot as lube. Which one do you choose?
I think I would take the icyhot. Hhhhh.

27. You do something that you know you aren't supposed to do and get in trouble with your master/mistress. What will they deny you and what punishment could they give that would hurt you the most?
I think I would be denied playing and orgasms for a certain amount of time. And I don't love the idea of a punishment being hurtful, because I would never feel adequate again lol. But as for effective punishments, making me go without panties or with some kind of bondage or a wedgie or something every time we are out in public or something like that would probably be a decent deterrent. Even though I'm into the idea it's not something I handle super well, especially if I know I'm being punished.

28. Would you rather have anal and accidentally have it get messy, or have oral where you/your partner gags and throws up?
Look, anal is gonna be messy sometimes. I'd definitely prefer it to vomit.

29. A friend on GetDare sends you some very sexual proof pics, and you realize that it is your boss/favorite teacher. What do you do with the pics and the information?
Never ever ever speak of it. My lips are sealed.

30. You go out with you friends and get incredibly drunk. Your friends talk you into going to a tattoo and piercings shop, but you pass out when you get there after telling the workers to do "Whatever they wanted." When you wake up, what are the humiliating things they've done to you?
Fantasy time - nipple and genital piercings, maybe chastity piercings? If they're feeling really spicy? I've seem some VERY neat ones. Or a hidden tattoo in some intimate place.
Love, Celeste. <3
30 F | queer | polyam | masochist

My Rules
My PM Dares
My Toys

Likes - pain, fear, denial, desperation, bladder control, prolonged arousal, humiliation, bondage

Punishments - Forced orgasms, writing/typing tasks, prolonged pain, spanking/whipping/cropping, electro play (tens unit), hidden public, anal, clamps

Limits - permanent, family/friends, messy, pee/scat, extreme pain, obvious public, social suicide
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