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Old 06-19-2011, 02:48 AM   #64
Account Banned
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 225

1. When did you last masturbate?
Friday (two days ago).

2. What did you use?
My hand.

3. What did you think about?
I was watching a porn video online of Kelly Shibari.

4. What was the last thing you inserted anally?
A small pink vibrator at the request of Miss Christy.

5. Did you enjoy it?
You know what, I'm not normally into anal but I enjoyed the humiliation of being watched & told to do so. Yes I did.

6. How long was it there for?
Must have been about 5mins while taking some photos.

7. Was it clean when it came out?
No it was not.

8. Is one testicle lower than the other?
Yeah I guess so.

9. Has anyone ever found out a sexual fetish of yours?
Yes many years ago an ex girlfriend found out I had a thing for smokers.

10. What happened?
I made my ex girlfriend quit before we started dating as I thought it was a bad dirty habit, she did too. But when she found out I like being the submissive person in the relationship she'd sometimes deliberately smoke to show a bit of dominance. Sometimes she'd send me texts saying "I'm having a secret smoking break" just cause she knew I hated it. I think my fetish comes from her being bad, going against my wishes & being rebel'ish.

11. Have you ever been really ashamed of something sexual you did?
Sometimes when on cam I feel dirty doing tasks, but I only ever feel ashamed afterwards when looking back at pictures of it, even then the feelings are not that bad as I quite like the feeling of being humiliated.

12. What was it?
I think the main things that stand out are the times I'm made to do things on an open cam in chat-rooms on yahoo, cause sometimes for days afterwards I get strangers adding me talking about what they've seen me do.

13. Do ever wear a butt plug?
Nope, never have.

14. If so, where do you wear it?

15. Have you ever had anal sex? Describe.
I've given anal sex with a partner, wasn't anything to shout about to be honest. But I've never received it.

16. Have you ever had a real life slave/Master relationship?
No I have not, part of me would love the aspect of this as I would love to be a slave for a real life person, but realistically I'm to sissy to follow it up.

17. What is the most embarrassing dare you have done?
Most embarrassing was probably when I was being punished once by a former owner, she was asking me to pee into a glass at the time. The only problem was I didn't need to pee, resulting in me trying to hard & it coming out the back end. Graphic sorry but honest at-least lol.

18. What is the most dangerous sexual thing you have done?
Oh god I don't know being a sissy I'm not that daring, but probably having to tip wax on my privates was the worst for sissy old me.

19. Does pain or humiliation turn you on?
Humiliation is my thing, I love feeling it & feeling lower than my user.

20. What type of porn do you like?
I like the larger ladies, the older ladies & anything different but not odd.

21. How frequently do you masturbate?
It depends on my frame of mind & how busy I'am, somedays I can masturbate 5-6 times a day, other times I can go a whole week without.

22. Do you punish yourself? If so, how?
I dont, but sometimes in the past I'd deliberately disobey offline tasks just so I could be punished, or sometimes owners would play impossible games with me knowing I'd lose & be punished, which I didn't mind deep down.

23. Does someone else punish you? If so, how?
My friend Miss Christy punishes me, she does not own me but she leaves demands in my inbox, knowing that if I'm horny when opening them I'll act them out for her, thats kind of taking advantage of me & punishment.

24. Have you ever had your genitals punished? How did it feel?
Nope as said I'm a little sissy, the most I've had to do is maybe add one or two pegs to them while masturbating.

25. Do you get turned on by getdare?
I would not say that Getdare turns me on no, but the people Iv'e met of it do from time to time.
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