Thread: Fiction: A Scientific Exhibition
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Old 06-02-2022, 06:24 AM   #2
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Default Chapter 1

Lance had made a mistake, that much was certain. Why had he agreed to test out Jerry's invention? More importantly, why had he insisted on upping the ante with a wager? Jerry's company manufactures a variety of toys and products ranging from mundane practical jokes items to items used in erotic kink-play. Jerry had been working on improving the design of dissolvable swimwear, trunks and bikinis that disintegrate progressively when exposed to water. Just last month Lance had witnessed Jerry's last major product in action to the misfortune of their flatmate Troy. Troy had been given a special set of running shoes, jogging shorts, and compression tank top then was tasked to run laps around the public park under the pretense that he was testing the durability of the running shoes. Little did Troy know that the real product being tested was a sweat-activated transparency agent that had been used on the shorts and tank.

Troy, like Lance, was well toned for your typical 27 year old bachelor. His hair was a dirty blonde and a strange middle ground between messy and well kept, his face was always shaved bare without a trace of stubble, and his body hair trimmed to a T; it would not be hyperbole to compare him to the depictions of the Greek Gods and heroes... right down to the last detail. Troy was, much to his own discontent, very much a grower and while his testicles were plump and plentiful they were not what one could describe as low-hanging which only exacerbated his shaft length in its dormant state. Some would say being a sizable grower isn't a bad thing, sure it's preferable in day to day activity or if you're planning to show what your package can really do but it doesn't lend itself quite as well to situations where one is not quite ready for action. Being rowdy and virile young men living in close proximity, this sort of situation presented itself fairly often for the boys and it had become somewhat of a game to embarrass one another in public whenever the chance presented itself. Knowing this, poor naive Troy should have seen his experience at the park coming but as they say, hindsight is 20-20.

It was a nice mid-Summer day so Lance and Jerry had gone with Troy to the local park utilizing Jerry's van so that they could monitor his progress and, more importantly, witness the embarrassment that was soon to befall Troy. They arrived around 7 A.M. to allow for optimal time for stretching without the overly intense heat of the afternoon sun triggering the transparency effect too soon. A large pond was along the south end of the park in a sideways "T" with a large bridge crossing over a stream that led away into the wooded thicket. The parking lot was located in the dead center of the park, adjacent to the pond and a clubhouse building. The park was designed with a large running trail along the outside perimeter with 3 sides surrounded by a thicket of trees and brush, the main entryway was to the far north at the northeast corner of the trail, and an exit-only route was to the southwest. If one were positioned in the parking lot they would be able to see nearly the entire expanse of the running trail with relative ease. If something were to happen to Troy, Jerry and Lance would know immediately.

No other vehicles were at the park at this time so Troy spent an hour doing warm up stretches and meandering around in the hopes of other joggers showing up to keep him company. With the park still devoid of other joggers after his warm up, Troy decided to start his laps hoping that perhaps after a lap or two his luck would change. Troy ran his first lap around the circuit without incident in about 10 minutes, waving to Jerry and Lance before setting off on his second lap. Midway through his second lap, Troy had noticed another vehicle coming into the park with tinted windows. The vehicle parked in the lot near Jerry's van and two women, a brunette and a redhead, dressed in jog-wear emerged while looking towards Troy and giggling. The two walked over and began speaking to Lance and Jerry while gesturing towards him, though Troy could not make out what they were saying. "Perhaps they're asking who that stud is?" thought Troy, continuing his jogging still blissfully unaware. After a couple of early morning laps around the park Troy had worked up a considerable sweat but, as he had been focused on his running and had been listening to music as he jogged, he still hadn't noticed anything amiss as he caught up to the ladies on his next lap. Troy's kit had progressively become thinner to the point of invisibility while maintaining the feel of wearing sweat-drenched jogging equipment. The two women had heard Troy's rhythmatic steps as he trotted up behind them. "How's it hanging?" asked the red-head whilst stifling a laugh. The brunette had been fiddling with her phone as if taking a selfie that surely was an attempt to stealthily capture Troy in the shot. Lance pointed out this exchange to Jerry, who was already doubled-over in laughter. When would Troy realize what had happened?

Troy jogged along with the two girls whilst making idle chat, he even agreed to pose for photographs at the request of the brunette whose name he learned was Jessica. Jessica and Alex had had Troy pose in the usual bodybuilder poses to accentuate his form; they had him pose with his backside towards them while facing the lake in a standard "Superman" pose, facing them stretching his arms high into the sky as if praising the sun itself, and a few sillier poses such as mid-running step and a cartwheel. Troy complied to these requests under the assumption he would get their phone numbers by the end of the lap and never questioned why they always seemed just shy of bursting into unstoppable laughter. Alex revealed that she and Jessica were early for a yoga meeting at the clubhouse and were simply killing time while the other women in their group arrived. As they crossed the path that bordered the main entrance several cars were entering the park and gave honks as they passed the trio. Troy smiled and waved back as he maintained his jog. By the time the trio had returned to the parking lot there were several new vehicles parked in front of the clubhouse and a group of women were eagerly waiting with their cellphones at the ready, aimed at Troy. Several women were hooting and hollering, catcalling Troy, and making explicitly phallic gestures as he drew nearer. Troy was confused by the rowdiness of these women, hadn't they ever seen a male jogger before? However, it soon dawned upon him as he saw his reflection in the clubhouse windows. Though it felt as though he were wearing clothes drenched in sweat, in the window stood a Troy that was drenched in sweat and clad in only a barely opaque white and yellow mesh jockstrap and the shoes on his feet. At the van, Jerry and Lance were beside themselves with laughter; Jerry's product had been a success and his recorded data would be sure to impress at the next board meeting. Troy's face turned beat red as he attempted to cover himself as he bolted towards the van. Upon arrival he realized that the doors were all locked shut and that he had nowhere to hide. Jessica and Alex walked over with tears of laughter flowing from their eyes. "Hey, Troy was it? Next time you're going to jog so brazenly in public give us a call." said Alex as she and Jessica wrote their numbers on Troy's hand before he was finally let inside the van by Jerry.

"Well, that was a success." was all that Jerry had to say before pulling out of the park. Troy sat in the back of the van in shock, partially due to his intense jogging but also from the realization that Jessica and Alex had taken numerous photographs of him during their run. His cheeks burned with embarrassment, but he had to admit he wasn't entirely mad at the experience. Lance gave Troy a good ribbing the entire way back to their flat. "I could have ran longer than you did, even in such a state!" Lance boasted, "Next time Jerry has a product to test, I'll show you how it's really done!" A boast that he regrets making now that he is the test subject. "Since this product is somewhat more finicky than the one Troy tested I'll tell you how it is supposed to work," cryptically explained Jerry, "This device has a proximity sensor that will accelerate the test if you move too far from it, it is in your best interest not to stray too far from the device if at all possible. The moment I activate the device, it will begin the test and you will have to make your way from the drop off point back to the flat. Since you were so boastful with Troy you know what will happen to you if you fail to make it home before the designated time. Good luck, and remember I'm always tracking yooooouuuu." This was all Jerry had to say as he and Troy left Lance and drove off. Lance was left with nothing but the clothes on his back, a cell phone, and a bicycle. The clock on his phone said 6 P.M., his GPS said he was approximately 2 hours by direct route highway to his flat and he had until midnight to make it back. "Piece of cake," thought Lance, "this item doesn't seem to be doing anything currently so I suppose I should get moving." Little did Lance realize but the device was triggering a component that Jerry had covertly treated his clothes in, this component was a delayed dissolving solution that was controlled remotely through the device Jerry had attached to the bike Lance was currently stranded with.
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