Thread: Fiction: The Epic Sleepover(s)
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Old 06-08-2011, 01:44 PM   #10
Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 42

Here is the continuation of chapter 2.

Kirsty said out loud "where is it?" Rhianna said "here" pulling out a sheet of paper. She handed it to Kirsty. Kirst then began to say "This is tonights schedule, the first activity we will do is watch TV for about 30 minutes" Shawn and I were fine with that. She continued, "after that we will play a game, the game is just truth or dare without the truth part, and everytime you refuse to do a dare you must remove an article of clothing. If you refuse to do a dare after losing all clothing then you will gain a forefit, also the first person naked will recieve 3 forefits, second gets 2 and third gets 1, the game continues until all of us are naked. All forefits are performed after the game." Now this game, me and shawn were not so sure about.

The girls begged and begged us to play until we finally gave in, then they decided to remove the TV part of the schedule. They said we didnt need to watch TV because Saturday night telly is bull crap.

Last edited by userposter556; 06-08-2011 at 01:47 PM.
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