Thread: Hypnosis
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Old 04-21-2022, 03:35 AM   #6
Junior Member
Join Date: May 2017
Posts: 16

Thing about hypnosis is that yes, it does require your participation to work, and it's a skill. If you only listen to a file once, the effect might be weak. If you listen to a lot of files and have experience getting into trance state, staying there, going deeper, it's going to be a lot more effective.

As a hypnotist, I always get surprised reactions as to how effective it is. Thing to remember though, is that it works with the subconscious to a large degree. If you kind of let your mind drift and not really listen to the séance and have trouble remembering what was said, it's going to be a lot more effective paradoxically.

So like, yeah, hypnosis only makes you do things you want to do and it relies on you following instructions, duh. Thanks Einstein. But the trick is that as you get better at going deeper into trance, what you consciously want and what you subconsciously want are two big differences.

I've learned how to do hypnosis by myself being a subject to it, I had lots of practice. It's also similar enough to meditation, which I do frequently. So you could say I know what I'm talking about

Last edited by imperator; 04-21-2022 at 03:37 AM. Reason: addition
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