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Old 06-04-2011, 09:45 AM   #8
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 49

Chapter 4

Brian had been dared to get up and flash the brain to the girl whom Fred had been dared to ask to change him earlier. Brian already knew she had a temper because of her slapping the piss out of Fred, and this is way worse than what Fred had done. Brian was sweating, so nervous. His palms were getting sweaty as he walked through the glass doors to the 2nd part of Wild Wings. The gang was watching him, intently. None of them were the type to feel sympathy so they were all grinning, just waiting for the embarrassment to kick in. Drew was the first one to speak while waiting for Brian to begin the dare.

"Guys, this is going to be legen-wait-for-it-if-you-have-osteoporosis-than-this-dare-is-for-you-because-the-second-part-of-this-word-is-dary! Legendary!" He said, getting a high five from a laughing Fred afterward.

Brian had already faced to wall to prepare the brain. He though a couple times about wussing out but he knew the punishment, and if he didn't do the punishment he knew his friends would never let him hear the ends of how much of a wuss he was being. He walked up to the beautiful girl and tapped her on the shoulder.

"Hi miss, You looked kinda dumb, so I thought you could use some brains!" He said, tauntingly. As he pulled his shirt up with one hand revealing the brain looking set of balls underneath. He was gearing up for that slap in the face. But instead, the girl began to laugh!

"Oh my god! That is hilarious! I loved Waiting, but I never thought anyone would have the balls to do it in real life! Pun, intended!" She said while trying to quite down her laugh a bit. The gang was shocked to see her laughing. They thought maybe she was laughing at the size of his balls because they could not see them from the angle they were sitting. "Listen, I like your style. Maybe we could hang out sometime. Let me give you my number."

"uh...ok. That'd be great." Brian was stunned. While he was in love with someone, she had a fiance, so he had to wait until they broke up, so he was psyched he might have a female to have some fun with sometimes.He just couldn't believe he was getting a phone number as a result of flashing a girl his nuts! After getting the number he walked back to the table and told the gang his news.

"Holy shit, that's crazy!" Fred exclaimed. "You might have more potential than I thought!"

"Emily, truth or dare." Brian asked his best friends girlfriend.

"Um, well the truth bit me in the ass last time so..."

"That's a big bite!" Drew said laughing. Emily just looked at him with her famous evil eye.

"Anyway, Dare..." She said, regretfully after having seen the past two dares.

"Hmmm, let's see. I dare you to spill your drink on your shirt "accidentally", and leave it until we leave Wild Wings" He dared.

This was a bad dare for Emily because she had on a white shirt with a navy blue bra underneath. She knew if she did this, everyone in the restaurant would be able to see her bra. This is, until she thought of an idea that could save her the humiliation. "Ok." She answered, picking up her glass of diet coke.....

To be continued.

(Again, any suggestions through PM will be considered.)

Last edited by EB32; 06-04-2011 at 09:48 AM.
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