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Old 01-16-2022, 02:07 AM   #1
tararrar's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2020
Posts: 95
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Cake 18/f- add spanks/edges till my birthday

So I’ve been trying to actively participate here the past couple of months and it’s been quite a fun time. And what better way to continue my journey than a birthday thread when it's just a little more than a month away.
So my birthday is on 24th February, and I’m gonna be 19, yay!
One of my close friends came up with the initial idea for this post. I have a feeling he's gonna be in touch on here. His username is Monarch1.

Now moving onto the important stuff. This thread is so I can have some, might I say, funishment before my birthday; which I realise might quickly turn into punishment, but I’m committed so we’ll see how it goes.

I plan to keep the thread going till 23rd of February as of now. But there might be a change (read ahead).

Each person can add up to 20 spanks per post (19+1 for good luck? ).
-You can choose where: ass, tits, pussy, thighs, and if there’s anything else left, hehe.
-And also the implement: belt (buckle side, the strap, thin or thick), ruler, hairbrush (handle or bristle side), cable and whatever else household item you can think of. If I don’t have anything I’ll substitute it with something similar, and let you know of course.
(Rubber band snaps are on the table only for my tits.)
You can switch between the areas and implements within a particular post. For example, you might add 10 spanks to each thigh and 10 to the pussy in the same post.

Additionally you can add 1 edge per post if you wish, as suggested by Monarch1. And yes I will be in denial till the day of my birthday. And if you know about my other thread you might know that I already have been for more than a week now. This will be my first time being denied slightly long term. I wonder how it'll feel. But anyways moving on.

Now something to entice you further:
-If an individual member reaches 30 posts, they can add 2x spanks per post.
-If an individual member reaches 60 posts, they can add 3x spanks per post.
-If by any chance a particular member reaches 100 posts, along with 4x spanks per post, they can add 3 days extra to this thread being open.

The number of edges you can add will remain 1 per post in all circumstances.

Posts are not limited by time, but after you post another person (excluding me) must post before you can post again.

Just to give GD a head start I will not be starting with these till 23 January. I do hope I can catch up before my birthday though.

I will not be writing thank you posts to each user, but just know I’m very thankful for everyone partaking in this.
Though I will try to get a post out every couple days, just to keep track of where I’m at, and as an update for y'all.

I know that these threads can get a little out of hand. I’ll admit I’m a little scared, but I am also quite excited. Let’s see how this turns out.

Last edited by tararrar; 01-16-2022 at 02:52 AM.
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