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Old 01-12-2022, 03:50 PM   #26
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Default Suggestion on walking

From a teddy bear looking to become more of a grizzly.

I have increased my walking by leaving something behind, similar to the previous post’s suggestion. Depending on how private the area is, I might leave something different behind that I need to retrieve.

So, for instance, I walk a distance, then drop my undies somewhere. Then I walk back and have to do a second walk to get them. If I have privacy, I’ve dropped my shorts (leaving my undies on barely visible under a hoodie), that’s more motivating to go back and get them of course.

You could drop your bra and leave a jacket unzipped as far as you felt led to, depending on the area. For support, you could also take a photo or vid of what you were doing, I’m sure you would get lots of encouragement.

Just a thought…
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