Thread: Fiction: getDare Progressive Story
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Old 05-20-2011, 06:36 AM   #5
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‘Her name’s Sonia Kaylawski. Second generation Polish immigrants. She works at Sun’s-Up Insurance Company and seems, according to staff assessments, to be very good at her job. A couple of boyfriends since college, nice clean cut type- no route in there. I’m led to believe that all the partings have been amicable. I don’t think I’ve ever looked in to someone so uninteresting to both police and criminals. She’s a little ray of light it appears’

Vexus clenches his first. This isn’t the news he wanted to hear. He likes a difficult game but there needs to be a way in.

‘Fine. I want you to get me a security pass for her workplace and a key for her home.’ He says before making a move to hang up the phone.

‘Wait a minute!’ Nerdy says tensely, ‘That’s just not possible. I mean, do you understand the hours I’d have to put in in order to get you those things?’

‘Just do it. I know where you live, don’t I?’ He hangs up.

Nerdy gulps.

_ _ _

The music is still pulsing and Rachie feels a little sick but is glad to have respectable company. Rush leans over and whispers in her ear.

‘So, Rachie, where are you from?’ She smiles at him, her mind drifting back to the days she spent up north, outside of the city.

‘I’m from the north. Little town, little house, little family. It was lovely. I’m going to head back as soon as I’m done here, it’s too busy and,’ She puts a hand to her ear, ‘noisy for me!’ Rush stares her straight in the eyes and nods.

‘So why are you here in the first place?’ He asks. He has to repeat himself so that the message gets across but, eventually, Rachie understands.

‘I’m looking for my father. He came down here for work a year ago and I haven’t heard from him since. He used to call every day and write once a week but a couple of months in the calls and letters dried up. No word from him since. I called his office and they said he had quit and that no one had heard from him. The only place, other than at the office, that people seemed to ever see him was here. So I thought I’d start my search here.’ Rush frowns at this story. This level of psycho-melodrama is neither what he expected nor wanted.

‘This city can be a bitch, Rachie. Don’t get your hopes up about finding him. I come to DARE every night and I’ve never spoken to an office worker from up north. They’re mostly bandits and rapists in here.’ Rachie’s pupils dilate in shock.

‘I need to use the toilet she says’.

As she enters the loos she realises two things. First how filthy they are and secondly that there’s another girl in there, fixing her makeup in front of a mirror. The girl looks about 15 to Rachie’s eye but is wearing nothing but a thong and bra. Rachie moves to the sink next to her and washes her face where the makeup has been dislodged by tears.

The scantily clad girl looks down at the intruder with a look of knowing sympathy on her face.

‘Are you ok?’ No reply, ‘Was it one of the guys? Don’t worry if they try and cop a feel. If you let them use their hands it’ll stop them using their dicks.’

Rachie looks up at the girl and frowns, her face still covered by water. But the girl just smiles back at her and extends a small, delicate hand.

‘I’m Bear, or you can call me B. I’m a dancer here at DARE and, by the looks of things, precisely the friend you need.’ Rachie splutters a little but shakes Bear’s hand and introduces herself, ‘So,’ Bear says, ‘Have you met anyone nice here yet? If you’re looking for a sugar daddy then this is the wrong place. That said, ‘She raises her eyebrows, ‘I did see Zac Shield in here a couple of nights ago. Nah, they’re mostly lecherous drunks in here but they’re alright for a bit of cash and half an orgasm,’ She looks down at Rachie confused by the lack of reaction, ‘Unless you’re look for a girl?’

Rachie looks up, ‘No, not really looking for anyone. Well, actually I am but it’s a long story.’

It’s Bear’s turn to frown, ‘Well I’ve got to get back on stage, little Lolita needs to work her curves, but if you’re still around afterwards you can tell me everything. You look like you could use a friend. And, ‘She adds, walking to the door, ‘Don’t talk to anyone who looks to clever to be a drunk!’

She exits and Rachie lets out a brief smile.

_ _ _

‘Hey bud! What up?’ Zac smacks the palm of a man he has never met but who is queuing patiently for the nightclub. When he gets to the bouncer they smile at one another and bump fists.

‘Come on in Zac my man!’ He explains and Zac takes a step forward, intending to enter DARE. But a hand grabs his shoulder and pulls him back. The hand belongs to a woman and, to Zac’s eye, a very attractive one with shoulder length blonde her and a crooked, knowing smile.

‘Hi there! Want an autograph?’ He says with a grin, showing off a perfect set of white teeth. She smiles back at him.

‘I was wondering if I can have a word with you. In private.’ She adds as if it needs to be said.

‘Of course you can, I’ll never deny that to a fan. Can’t we go in the club and talk there. I could really use a drink after the day I’ve had.’ He smiles again but this time it is not reciprocated.

‘I think you’re a little young to be going to nightclubs,’ She says and opens one half of her jacket. Zac sees a glimmering silver detective badge pinned to the side.

‘Fuck!’ He says scampering away with her out of earshot of the queuing patrons, ‘I can’t get nicked right now. I’ve got a promotional tour coming up and my publicist would literally cut my ball sack open.’ He winces at the mere thought of it.

‘I’ve got no interest in arresting you. You didn’t even go inside. No, Zac, I want to talk to you.’ She smiles at him and takes out a cigarette. She offers him one and lights them both. She takes a long drag from her cigarette, ‘That’s right. My name’s Detective Deneuve but you call me Sammi if you like.’

‘Sure’ He says, nervously.

‘I just want to talk.’
LIKES: Sex and not too severe variations on that theme.

DISLIKES: Things that hurt...

Last edited by KansasRush; 05-20-2011 at 09:23 AM.
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