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Old 12-19-2021, 11:03 AM   #10
Baby Member
Join Date: Oct 2021
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Default first try

I came across this today, liked the idea and tried it immediately. (Added an extra which wasn't the best idea.)
All positions are hard, somtimes painful, statue being by far the worst, crab walk the easiest for me.

1. roll: 3, wall sit. I thought this would be the easiest as I'm used to it. But it wasn't due to a knee surgery not long ago. Failed by 30s.
2. roll: 6, statue. This is the hardest. Failed by 80s.
3. roll: 1, pushup. Done.
4. roll: 2, leg lift. Done.
5. roll: 4, arm raise. Done.
6. roll: 6, statue, oh no. Failed by 125s, not even 1/3 done.
7. roll: 2, leg lift. Done.
8. roll: 4, arm raise. Done.
9. roll: 2, leg lift. Done.
10. roll: 2, leg lift, oh no, twice in a row. Failed by 30s.
11. roll: 5, crab walk. Done.
12. roll: 1, pushup. Failed by 80s, this time lacking will power.

Total fails T=345s

Punishment roll: 5, T=5.75min => 2 extra rounds.
13. roll: 2, leg lift, oh no no. Failed by 70s.
14. roll: 2, leg lift, oh no no no, not again twice in a row. Failed by 90s.

Total fails T=160s

Punishment roll: 1, cold shower 2min 40s. Done.

The cold shower of this duration was harder than expected but I made it. However, if I got the cold shower in the first punishment roll, I wouldn't have been able to complete almost 6min of cold shower (water is really cold in the winter time). This brings up the question what happens if failing to complete the punishment.

Probably I have to repeat this. Hated and liked it. ;-)
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