Thread: Fiction: getDare Progressive Story
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Old 05-19-2011, 03:08 PM   #3
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‘You look like you could do with a drink, sweet cheeks.’

‘I’m fine, thank you.’

Rachie looks around. The nightclub is packed full of sweating, gyrating bodies but none that she recognises. The man who, moments ago, had been offering her a drink is now distracted by a different woman. She is, momentarily, alone.

She stomps over to the bar, her plimsolls slapping inaudibly against the dancefloor. She catches the bartenders eye.

‘A Coke please!’ She says. The bartender nods and begins pouring out her drink. Seconds later that same drink is being slid across to her and the bartender leans over so that she can hear him speak.

‘You from out of town?’ She nods and sips her drink. She splutters and looks up at the bartender.

‘What’s in this?’ She says.

‘Vodka and Coke, like you asked.’ He smiles at her. In a different light, she thinks, he would be really very pretty. But right now she is full of fear at what the alcohol, that forbidden substance, might do to her. Her eyes fill with tears and the bartender jumps back in alarm.

‘I just wanted a Coke’ She sobs.

Suddenly a man, older, greyer and more bespectacled than she will ever be is by her side pushing the drink back to the bartender and pulling up a stool for the weeping teenager. She looks up at him, her moon round eyes brimming with unshed tears.

‘Don’t worry, I’m a doctor’ Rush says.

_ _ _

14 year old girls hump his legs as he stalks across the stage. His white jacket reflects the blue and orange lights that are shining on him. The odour of hairspray has become part of his life, he cannot remember a time when the smell of it did not haunt his nostrils.

‘BREAK!’ The director screams and Zac bounces off the stage and out the back door where he can be alone. He sighs and pulls out his phone, tapping in some long memorised numbers and waiting.

‘Hello?’ Says the voice at the other end. Deep, gravelly.

‘Vexus. It’s Zac. I need tail tonight. Honestly my cock is about to fall off if you don’t get me someone.’ As if in response to his own words his hands shifts south to readjust his crotch.

‘You’re in a room filled with jailbait who would die to get a shot at you and you’re asking me to hook you up?’ The voice snarls back at him.

‘You know what I like man. I like the older chicks, MILFS, whatever. I have all the girls my own age I could ever want. You owe me as well dude, so hook me up tonight!’ There’s the ghost of an angry retort in the air but Zac hangs up before he can hear it.

_ _ _


Nerdy squints at the computer screen. Something doesn’t at up. He runs the program again. This time, this time it must work, this time he’s sure he’ll crack it. Zeros, ones and unrelated words flash along the screen in a ticker tape.


‘Fuck!’ Nerdy curses, grabbing a bag of Doritos before filling his face and setting off to work again.
LIKES: Sex and not too severe variations on that theme.

DISLIKES: Things that hurt...
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