Thread: Fiction: Erin's Hell
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Old 05-17-2011, 03:40 PM   #129
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Default Chapter S-Two Part 1

Originally Posted by Instinct View Post
..and it makes absolutely no sense anymore, unless it took a sudden turn to sci-fi or she's having one hell of a weird dream
Hang tight. I promise it'll start to make more sense. :P


Chapter S-Two

“Subject 6.”

Shaking, Subject 6 gazed nervously at the radiant goddess-like woman before her, trying hard not to avert her eyes.

“You have completed your training, and the Council accepts you as a full-fledged member of the Subservient Few. You may approach.”

Subject 6 complied, her short black hair bobbing beside her ears as she walked. She was keenly aware of the numerous pairs of eyes staring at her naked body from all sides of the room, taking all of her in as if still judging her worth to their purposes.

She stopped just past the large grated drain in the tiled floor, at the base of the steps atop which the Dominant On High stood, clothed in her usual black vinyl, single-piece dress. It barely crept down past her pubic area, and Subject 6’s mouth began to water at this and the sight of the divine beauty’s smooth, brilliantly pale legs.

Beside the Dominant stood a high table upon which sat a wide silver goblet, and behind and to her left stood a naked young servant boy, easily still in his teens, holding a damp white cloth and staring determinedly toward the ground. Fastened around his cleanly shaven penis and scrotum was a thin chain, the other end of which the Dominant On High gripped tightly in her hand, allowing no tension. In response, the boy’s penis appeared limp and meager, his testes dark blue from lack of blood flow.

“Do not be nervous, Subject 6,” the Dominant reassured kindly. “You have done very well in your training, and I am confident the Council has made the proper decision in granting you full membership in the Few. You may begin the ritual.”

The Dominant On High wasted no time. As soon as she had finished speaking, she turned around and bent down, keeping the chain to her servant taut, exposing her round ass to Subject 6 for the first time. The goddess’s long black hair splayed down the corset-like lacing on her back, swiftly falling around her ears as she bent further.

Subject 6 gazed at the brilliant white object poking out of the Dominant’s anus, causing her labia to moisten. She was well aware that the Council members in the room could see her excitement, but this only made her more lustful.

“Do well to recall that you may not touch my skin—I afford that honor to no one.”

Subject 6 nodded and gulped, then slowly reached toward the Dominant’s holy rear. She carefully grasped the end of the white object and pulled. As more and more of the butt plug was revealed, Subject 6 became enamored by the stench of the odors wafting out from deep inside the goddess before her. She could now feel thick streams of liquid anticipation rolling out from between her labia and down her shaking legs. Subject 6 started to swoon, as the other ritual attendees began to murmur quietly amongst themselves.

But she did not lose focus. Ever cautiously, as she dared not touch the Dominant’s holy skin, she pulled and pulled, until finally the plug was released from the Dominant’s spacious hole with a soft squelch.

“Mmm,” the Dominant murmured. “Nicely done, Subject 6.”

Flushed with embarrassment from the compliment, Subject 6 focused her attention on the plug, holding it out in front of her. It was at least twelve inches long, and Subject 6 admired the collection of juices and minuscule flecks of brown feces covering it. Without hesitation, she inserted it into her mouth, then slowly turned in a circle so all in the room could watch as she sucked the plug clean, licking off every last delicious morsel the Dominant had so graciously provided. Alternating between long licks of the tongue and deep-throat sucks, Subject 6 was in ecstasy, high off her mistress’s effluence.
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