Thread: Fiction: Erin's Hell
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Old 05-16-2011, 06:11 PM   #10
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Default Chapter S-One

Day S-I

Chapter S-One

“It’s time to wake up, Subject 6. Today is the day.”

Subject 6 did not need to be told twice, as her anticipation for this day was overwhelming, and snapped her eyes open. She sat up immediately, taking no notice of the large plug sealing the copious amount of liquid inside her, for she had long since learned to embrace such uncomfortable stimuli. Instead, Subject 6 glanced around the room. Its dark walls helped offset the harsh radiance of the light above, which stung her cold blue eyes.

Obedient stood in the doorway, leaning against the frame, garbed in her usual leather miniskirt, white halter tee, and flats. Subject 6 rose from the hard mattress to her bare feet and inspected herself in the wall mirror. Her black hair, slightly matted from sleep, fell just to her shoulders, straight as an arrow like usual. She shifted her gaze down the rest of her body, past her firm, smallish breasts and to her cleanly shaved pubic region.

Subject 6 slowly ran her hands down the sides of her thin body, moaning to herself, content with the body she was finally permitted to offer to the goddess for whom she lived. Slowly Subject 6 spun around, looking fondly over her shoulder at the black plug stretching her anus to its limit. As she completed the turn, she noticed in her peripheral vision Obedient gazing at her petite chest.

“Like what you see, Obedient?” Subject 6 teased. Obedient took no offense at this jocularity even though it was well within her rights as a full member to do so: a mutual bond of trust and respect, even friendship, had formed between the two, and they understood each other’s intentions.

“I cannot lie, Subject 6, I do—I like them a lot. And I’m glad you’ve learned to embrace them. Remember, breasts of any trainee, no matter what size, are pleasing to Her Highness.”

“Yes, I am glad too,” Subject 6 exclaimed. “It feels wonderful knowing I have been pleasing to Her and the Council enough that they are willing to accept me as a full member.”

“So, are you excited then?” Obedient asked.

“To say the least,” Subject 6 replied. “I cannot wait to see Her again, and on today of all days! I just hope I do not fail Her.”

“Don’t be nervous,” Obedient advised kindly. “You will feel truly whole once you’re a full-fledged member.”

“I know, Obedient,” Subject 6 replied confidently. It was so close! The moment she had eagerly been awaiting for so long.

“Now. Subject 6: you have completed your training. Are you ready to undertake the Ritual?”

“You know even better than I do, Obedient—yes!”

“Good. I will help you get prepared.” Obedient motioned to Subject 6’s tiny bathroom and offered out her hand. Subject 6 took it gracefully and keenly followed Obedient inside, catching a faint trail of her sweet perfume. A shiver ran down Subject 6’s spine as Obedient shut the door behind them.

Last edited by skjelner; 05-17-2011 at 03:40 PM.
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