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Old 11-14-2021, 04:17 PM   #7
Junior Member
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Join Date: Dec 2017
Posts: 26

Stripped By Girls Pt. 13 Continued

Their hands continued sliding along my penis as I was completely lost in the moment. The ringing in my ears subsided and was slowly replaced with whispers and gasps. I opened my eyes again to see Beth and Katie now standing right in front of me, cell phones capturing Judy and Milli’s hands as their tugging on my cock slowed. Judy let go first, a string of cum trailing from her palm. “Whoa! Peter! Jeez!” Judy held her hand out away from her body. Millicent kept holding my penis, which finally began to deflate a bit. “Whoa! I didn’t think it would be like that!” Millicent gasped, still holding my cock, keeping me at a semi-erection. Beth and Katie both knelt down and held the cell phones at an upward angle, catching Millicent standing next to me with her hand on my penis, still dripping cum. Judy then wiped her hand on my abs. “I didn’t either, honestly. That was a lot different than I thought it would be!” Judy declared.

Cindy hopped up and stared down at the large puddle of cum that coated the smooth paved slab. She poked at it with her toe. “Wow! Haha! Did you go pee again, Peter?! Naughty, naughty!” “That looked different from when you went pee earlier though.” Christine said. “That wasn’t pee, girls.” Judy said. “Peter just released his sperm.” She explained.
“He ‘came’,” she added. These girls were WAY too young to know about this stuff! At least Cindy and her friends were too young. That’s for sure!
I was honestly still shocked that Judy was as knowledgable as she was.
Cindy looked a bit confused. Millicent finally let go as another small dribble of semen left my penis. “Your wiener isn’t pointing up any more!” Cindy pointed, almost touching the head of my cock. It really was a relief to not have an erection any more. I pulled my pelvis back to avoid letting Cindy touch my penis. “Hey!” she pouted. Judy gave me a smack on the ass. “Why so shy now?” she asked with a wicked grin.

It was true. These girls had seen everything. I stood there as Cindy pinched my deflating penis around the middle of the shaft. She squeezed and shook it around. “Hahaha! It isn’t stiff any more, but it’s still a big wiener!” The party guests all laughed. Judy and Millicent were wiping their hands on a towel while Beth and Katie were sharing excited faces as they looked at their phones. Some of the girls were examining the comically large puddle of semen on the concrete slab and some were even poking at it with their toes! Christine appeared next to Cindy in front of me. I managed to pull away from Cindy, only to have Christine grab my cock instead! Unlike Cindy, instead of shaking wildly, Christine began mimicking the motions that Millicent and Judy had demonstrated moments earlier! Despite the insane orgasm I’d just had, having my cock touched again kick-started another erection!
“Oooooooo! Haha! Yay! Your peepee is getting stiff again!”
This got all the girls’ attention again and I was swarmed. I felt hands all over my body! My ass was slapped and rubbed, my balls were groped, and my cock was grabbed! Anyone that managed to touch my penis immediately attempted to jerk me off! Because all these girls were young and in nothing but swimsuits, I didn’t feel right touching them in order to defend myself, so all I could do was turn my body and shielded myself with my hands!

This unofficial game of wiener tag carried on while the older girls cleaned up the pizza boxes, plates and cups, placing them in large trash bags and carrying them into the house. I continued to avoid the girls until….“Girls!” Judy got everyone’s attention with a stern command. Sara was giggling and rubbing my ass! We all looked to Judy. “Everyone line up and follow Millicent here, please! Peter!” Judy gave me a ‘Come here’ motion with her finger. The girls did as she instructed and I, reluctantly did as I was told. Judy grabbed my arm once I was close enough and pulled me over to the side of the house. “This’ll do!” She put her hands on my hips and turned me to face the yard. Millicent, Katie and Beth were lining up Cindy and her friends. “What’s going on?” I asked. I was shaking with nerves for some reason. “Well Peter, you’ve given my little sister and I, SO many great memories today and looking at and showing the pictures we took the other day to our friends and Cindy’s friends who couldn’t be there, we thought we’d give them something OTHER than just memories.” Judy smirked. “Judy! Please! You already have pictures! You just said so! AND you’ve been taking pictures and videos all day, haven’t you?! Do these girls even have phones of their own?!!!” I was starting to tremble with nerves. Judy noticed and placed her hand gently on my ass!
“Relax, Peter. Haha! WE will keep the pictures on OUR phones. We took everyone else’s, remember? These pics and vids will only be looked at when the girls come over to play or have sleepovers. I promise.”

“Ready, Judes?” Millicent called out. “Yeah!” Judy turned to step back into the yard. “Oh! Wait!” She walked back up to me and gave my cock a few quick strokes, which had my penis growing and arching upwards again!
She giggled and skipped back into the yard. “Ready!” she shouted. Sara was first. She skipped up and stood next to me. Judy held up the phone.
“Do whatever you want a picture of!” Sara looked straight at my cock and grabbed it. She held her arm straight out, giggling like mad. “Say cheese!” Judy commanded. “Cheeeeeeeeeese! Hahaha!” Sara chirped with glee. I heard the shutter sound go off on the phone. “Ok, next!” Sara squeezed my cock a bit before skipping off to the side with Beth to watch the others. Christine was next and she wasted no time. She cupped her hand under my balls and gave a big smile. Her touch was so gentle, it tickled. I trembled as she hopped off to the side. Most of the girls either grabbed my cock or balls or had me bend over to smack my ass. Sally and Allie had me hold them up in different poses. The 3 newcomer girls were allowed to participate but were sworn to secrecy by Judy. They chose individual shots and with the 3 together. That one featured the 3 of them pointing to my cock and laughing.

There were shots with multiple girls and shots with just me and one girl.
The girls even had me pose solo for a few. They had me flex, grab my own cock, or in some incredibly embarrassing shots, they had me bend over, exposing my ass. Cindy decided that she wanted to go last. She excitedly skipped up to me and stood at my side. “Ok Cind, it’s your birthday, what do you want a picture of?” Judy asked. Cindy gleefully grabbed my cock and slowly began stroking! “Peter, put your hands on your head!” Judy commanded. I did as she said. I just wanted this to end. These pictures were not only humiliating, but also condemning!
If my parents or friends found out about this, I’d be in deep shit, for sure!
Oh no! I had been trying to focus on anything BUT my situation, but Cindy had started stroking my penis as she’d seen her sister and Millicent do earlier! “Oooooooooo!” Sara and Christine cooed in unison. “Ok! Got it!” Millicent said. “Ok, great job Cindy!” Judy said coming up to her sister and me. “But I wanna see him squirt again!” Cindy said, still tugging my cock! Judy looked at me and I think she could tell that I was beyond uncomfortable. “Ok, how about you stand here and let me do it?” she suggested. “You don’t want to get that ‘stuff’ on your hand, do you?” Judy asked.

Cindy stopped tugging and thought for a moment. “Oh yeah! It looked slimy, haha!” She let go of my cock and stepped back next to Judy. Judy patted her on the shoulder and stood next to me. My cock was throbbing once more. Judy didn’t waste any time and took hold of my cock and began stroking. The girls gathered and watched intently as Judy proceeded to give me another hand job! It didn’t take long before her hand was sliding along my shaft using my own pre-cum as lubricant. The squelching sound had become the tell-tale sign of things to ‘cum’, so to speak. She placed her free hand on my ass and began squeezing!
She added a twisting motion at the end of her strokes that ended right on my G spot! I began breathing heavy and thrusting my hips. My face and shaking must have given myself away as the girls all made a collective ‘gasp’. I closed my eyes and once again gave into my exhibitionist side. My ears were ringing and my knees finally gave out. I collapsed backwards onto my ass, pulling Judy down next to me! She didn’t let go though, and didn’t miss a stroke! Cum erupted from my penis and splattered across my chest and neck! She kept pumping as I convulsed on the grass!

The girls were laughing and cheering as the last bit of cum squirted onto my abs. Judy let go and wiped her hands on my hip. Judy stood up, laughing and brushed the grass from her knees. I gathered myself as Millicent and Katie each grabbed an arm and helped me to my feet.
“Peter, why don’t you go take another shower and we’ll finish cleaning up.” Judy suggested. Being covered in my own cum and grass, the idea of a shower sounded actually really nice. I left the girls who were giggling, cleaning and looking at photos on the phones and walked into the kitchen through the back door.

I ran up the stairs towards the bathroom I had used earlier that day to take a shower before the party. I noticed Cindy and Christine were right behind me when I felt a slap on my ass. I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. The 2 girls followed me and laughed as they remembered what happened earlier in the day when they were there for my first shower and when I was first exposed to Christine when my towel was taken away from me by Judy. I had just gotten into the shower and managed to clean off all the cum and grass that was still stuck to my skin, when I heard a commotion coming from downstairs.

Judy came running into the bathroom yelling my name. “Peter! Quick. You have to leave! Mom just pulled up. She’s home early! You gotta get outta here!” I panicked, turned off the shower and looked for a towel. There were no towels to be had. “No time for that, Peter! You have to go home before my mom sees you!” she yelled. Dripping wet, I got out of the shower and headed down the stairs with Judy, Cindy and Christine right behind me. Their mom would be coming through the front door, so I was ushered into the backyard still wet and totally stark naked. The girls were laughing when they saw me and some were not aware that Mrs. Thompson had come home. My heart was racing as I definitely didn’t want to get caught by their mother especially in my present condition, a condition that now included another boner due to all the excitement and the snickering girls. “My clothes, Judy!” I said. “No time for that, Peter! Sorry. You have to leave!” replied Judy.

Cindy showed me to the gate and waited for the sound of her mom entering by the front door. She slapped me on the ass and wished me luck as she opened the gate and yelled, “Now! Go! Thanks for a great party!” I was at a loss and not knowing what else to do, I ran out of the backyard, through the open gate. The party guests were howling at the scene they were witnessing and chattering amongst themselves.
“Oh my God!”
“Peter left without any clothes!”
“He’s totally bare naked!”
“He’s gone towards the street!”
“Wow, poor Peter! Haha!”
The older girls were in hysterics as Judy heaved a sigh of relief and declared, “Man, that was close!” The 3 park girls followed me running right behind me and laughing at my predicament. I was totally stark naked and made my way to the street in the hopes of making it home without being seen. It was now late afternoon and I had to get home before my parents returned from work. I had nothing with me of course but luckily, there was always a hidden key under a plant pot on my porch.

Abbie, Bea, and Connie were right behind me as I found myself on the sidewalk heading towards the park hoping not to be seen. The girls were hysterical as they yelled at me to slow down so they could catch up. “Wait up, Peter!” yelled Abbie. “We can help you out!” I actually came to a stop as the 3 girls nearly crashed into me with Connie actually reaching out with her hands to cushion the blow on my ass. Their laughing made me realize the situation I was currently in. I was about 100 feet from Judy’s house, on the sidewalk in a residential area but not too far from the park. I was totally bare naked these 3 young girls insisted on walking with me.

Abbie said, “Peter, we can help you out. We’ll make sure nobody else sees you. Let us go with you.” The 2 other girls nodded in agreement and giggled as they continued to stare at my naked state. I had given up on trying to cover up since they had seen everything including the last jerk off session where Judy made me cum in front of all the party girls. As much as I wanted to get away from these girls, I realized that the chances of being seen increased if I were alone with no way of covering up. Bea added, “Yeah, we’ll surround you so nobody else sees your wiener! Your balls and bum too! Haha.” “Ok, ok,” I answered. “Let’s just go, please.”

I started quickly with the girls in tow, my bare feet walking on the pavement with the hope of not encountering anyone along the way. How could I explain this to the police if I were caught? The girls did their best to keep up with me but I had my doubts as to whether they would be able to hide the fact that was I totally naked on the street in broad daylight.

My penis had remained relatively flaccid since we left the backyard but having the girls very close to me, did have its obvious effects. I had developed a semi-hard on now which was not lost on the girls of course. “Haha, look at Peter’s wiener!”
“Wow, it’s big again and sticking out!”
“So cool!”
“This is fun!”
I instinctively put my hands on my penis and balls before getting a slap on the ass from Abbie who said, “No need to cover up, Peter. We can do that for you.” Immediately three pairs of hands went right to my dick, balls, and ass as we walked quickly along the sidewalk towards the park entrance which we could see just ahead.

Luckily we saw nobody on the street or sidewalk and finally arrived at the park. My plan was to go quickly through the park and down 2 streets to my house and to get home safe and sound. There was no telling who might be in the park at this time and I hoped my luck would not run out. After all, I deserved a little luck based on everything that happened to me in the last 2 days and especially on this day.

We managed to make it to the playground area where my luck finally ran out. I noticed there were 2 people on the swings and they hadn’t seen us approaching. That is until Connie got the bright idea to yell “Hi, Amelia!” to the newcomers. I panicked and tried covering up just as they turned around to look at us. It was an older girl and a younger one beside her. It was at that moment that I realized that I knew the older girl. It was Margerie McKenzie from my grade at school. My day had just become worse if that’s even possible.

The younger girl ran towards us as I froze on the spot with Abbie, Bea, and Connie in front of me affording me some protection at least. “Hi, Amelia!” she said. “I’m here with my sis. Margerie.” The 2 youngest girls exchanged pleasantries as I stood there naked and nervous hoping her sister would not see me. Unfortunately, that was not to be, as Margerie started walking towards us until she finally noticed me behind the 4 girls.
Margerie was in some of my classes at school and was a cute redhead with a decent figure. What was I going to do now? My heart was racing and my legs were shaking as she approached.

“Hey, Peter. What’s up?” she asked. “Nothing much,” I replied as she stopped in front of us with a puzzled look on her face. Up to that point, the girls were doing a good job of keeping me hidden from the newcomers but Margerie couldn’t help but notice that I wasn’t wearing a shirt. “What you doing here and who are those girls?” she asked. Her sister told her about Connie being a friend from school. This is where everyone went wrong. Connie did the introductions. “These are my cousins, Abbie and Bea and that big guy is Peter, who you already know, I guess.” “Say hello, Pete!” she said. “Yeah, Peter, say hello” Bea and Abbie replied in unison.

At that very moment, my 3 so-called protectors decided to move away from me, exposing totally me to Amelia and Margerie. I instinctively covered my groin area with my hands.
“Oh my God! What the fuck!” screamed Margerie as the 4 younger girls exploded in laughter. “What are you doing?” she asked totally shocked by what she was seeing. “Are you…?” With the younger girls continuing to laugh, Abbie said, “Yup, Peter is naked! Come see!” The 3 girls managed to tear my hands away from my groin exposing me to Margerie and little Amelia. “He’s not supposed to cover up. That’s what our friend Judy said. He’s supposed to show his peepee to anyone. Haha!” Bea added.

Little Amelia continued to giggle as Margerie’s face was frozen in shock. I was at a loss for words as well but Connie wasn’t. “Come and see him, Amelia. He has no clothes on and you can see everything,” she said. She took her hand and brought her over to me while Amelia continued to giggle while staring at my cock. She then had me turn around while everyone laughed at seeing my naked ass.

Margerie finally woke up from her paralysis and burst out laughing. “Oh my God! Peter Bates! You are totally naked in the park! I can see everything! What the hell are you doing here with nothing on! Why are you here with these little girls? Oh my God, even my little sister is seeing you. Aren’t you embarrassed? Holy shit!”

I was definitely embarrassed and began to get aroused again as all the girls just joined in the laughter at my expense. For me, embarrassment and excitement went hand in hand, it seems. I was getting an erection and could do nothing about it. I didn’t cover up. I didn’t run. These were all options that escaped me at the time. I just stood there like a naked fool. I was sporting a huge boner which all the girls noticed at once. This is when I was attacked by my 3 so-called protectors. The 3 all worked together and started imitating everything they had seen at the party. My ass was groped, my balls were rubbed, and my cock was grabbed all at the same time. They learned the lesson well as I was being jerked off by the 3 girls as Amelia and Margerie stared in disbelief. I did not fight them off and allowed it all to happen. With all that rubbing, up and down, up and down, it didn’t take long before my cock exploded in a long rope of cum that splashed onto the grass in front of Margerie and her sister. A second explosion followed soon after and then a few drops fell from my engorged penis.

Margerie was in total shock for the second time that day as her sister just giggled at what she had seen, not really knowing what was going on. It was at that very moment that I came to my senses and the inevitable feeling of shame hit me. Margerie began to laugh again as I took off running. Abbie, Bea, and Connie followed right away and we were off towards my house leaving the other 2 girls behind in the park. I had a lot of explaining to do when I’d see Margerie again. The girls managed to keep up with me as we managed to leave the park and ended up 2 streets from my house. I slowed down since I noticed there was nobody on the street or sidewalk as the girls managed to catch up to me. Laughing, they offered to hide me again as I just kept walking. We turned onto my street and I hoped none of my neighbours were out and about on this day. Luckily, I saw nobody and was able to go up my walk to the front of my house without being seen. I managed to grab the spare key from under the plant pot just before the 3 girls caught up to me again. “Cool. We know where you live, Peter.” Abbie said. “We have some great pics of you too!” The girls all giggled as I put the key in the lock of the door and turned it, opening the door before going inside.

I looked at the 3 girls and wondered what Abbie was driving at by those comments. “Our moms are looking for a new babysitter, Peter! I think you’ll be perfect.” I entered my house and closed the door to the sound of their laughter and breathed a sigh or relief that I was home. I was home but was I home free?
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