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Old 09-19-2021, 07:35 AM   #6
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Mornings were a bit of a rush, two prisoners handed out the milk and you helped yourself to what ever was on offer in a big cardboard box, sadly the box may have tasted a lot better. Ten minutes later the two "servers" made they way back to their pads, milk extras in hand, to use, trade or give to their mates. A lot of the older guys in downstairs pads with bad mobility missed out on their morning free milk, wrong in my eyes, but that is Prison.

Then came the queue to use the toaster, if you had any bread or if there was any spare bread by the toaster, you queued for fucking everything in Prison.

Next came the dash for showers followed by queues for any meds and to see the healthcare nurse, followed by guys getting out the wing to be walked to another block to work. Those doing education got to their classes and the wing cleaners set about cleaning the common areas of the wing and earning a paltry wage. Pads, you cleaned your own, in your own free time!

Stewy could not have any dairy stuff, milk, cheese etc, so I usually got his milk to bank and the cheese off his sandwich if it was filled with cheese, you did not get a choice, you got what you were given. You could order the food you wanted for each meal but that got changed very often by the kitchen. In return I gave Stewy the odd treat from my canteen, that is what you do with a decent pad mate, you can't just take, take take!

Who should I see walking with his stick, bag in hand, Fred, moving into a downstairs pad, solo because he had no bladder or bowel control following Prostate cancer, or so he told me. I remembered his genuine kindness and would say hello and return the kindness if I could, nearly eighty years old and a sentence of eighteen years the judge gave him!

Stewy grabbed a morning shower, just plain water, he could not use any form of soap but he needed to get rid of the cum from last night and the sweat from his body. Me, I liked to chill a bit in the morning before education, and shower before evening bang up, two showers a day when you are sitting around doing fuck all all day were not needed, maybe if you grafted or used the Prison gym, then maybe you needed two. I guess I was lucky to get a shower daily in Prison, in some prisons the prisoners did not.

Before education, I nipped into Fred's pad said hello, bunged him a couple of packets of milk from my window sill bank as a gift, a thank you was all I wanted and got it. Poor bastard I thought, Prison life will be so hard for him!
I left Fred to settle into his pad then got my gear from my pad and checked into English education for the next two and a half odd hour stint.

Half eleven ish all those on the wing started to queue up for dinner, all those out at work got fed dinner where they were, to be honest I had paid for worse food on the outside, some prisoners would not eat anything wet for fear that the food had been "messed" with this being a mainly sex offenders wing, the bottom of the prison barrel. Anybody caught "messing" with prisoners food faced a harsh penalty, loss of their job being the least, more time to served in Prison being the worst.

Bullying did go on, stuff taken off your tray or gobbing into your food if you let them. Most bullies backed down when confronted, fights kicked off over stupid little things and could escalate quickly, some people got a kettle full of hot sugared water thrown at them, some got stabbed but it was rare, as rare as people deciding to top themselves, suicide, but it did happen.

You picked your friends with care and respected other prisoners.

Dinner done, everybody got banged up for an hour while the screws, guards, officers, whatever you wanted to call them got to eat after a head count or maybe two was done.

When we got opened up, more education, or time in your pad alone to think, behind your door, closed or open but not allowed to go out on the landing, Me I chilled out listening to the radio via the TV while Stewy did art education. I just wanted to know how long I was staying in this place and to get on with my life, Justice happened slowly, very slowly!

I just touched a woman's arse on a bus, she wore tight trousers, not even wearing a skirt, I did not touch her panties or her bare flesh, her sex, her cunt, her tits, then I ended up here in fucking Prison, fucking Prison. Some women would be glad of the attention, some dress to impress and tease men, I am sure.

I got it wrong, I hold my hands up, sorry, I made a big fucking mistake. I did not rape her, murder her or any of that shit, just a touch, one touch.

The passing guard threw a letter in the pad, it was for me from the solicitors, they will visit me in two weeks time, no fucking rush then I thought, at least things were moving forward.

To be continued . . . . . . .
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