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Old 09-18-2021, 06:57 AM   #4
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After six long hard weeks of being a day walker, I did get a long term pad, to call home for how ever long I did not know how long. After a few shit pad mates, I settled in with Stewy, Stuart, he was ok, we sort of got on, a life of give and take, Stewy had done time before, he was in his late fourties but looked over sixty due to life of drug use and dealing drugs at music festivals. Stewy was sentenced to do a seven year plus five year consecutive stretch for sexual crimes, then the five years became seven years after the victims appeal, so fourteen years in all, nine years before a chance of parole. Stewy kept on saying he was not guilty, I had my doubts and it was not my place to judge, the Judge had made his mind up after a jury of twelve found him guilty in court.

Myself, I was remanded, not even started my journey through the legal system, not even made any plea of guilt or not guilty. Fucking Magistrates, bastards!

Stewy like to shoot some pool between six and seven at night, before bang up for the night, we tried to give each other some space, some privacy when we could make it happen.

I noticed that a few younger guys were sexually active, some had Daddies, some did sexual favours for money or canteen as some older guys paid to be serviced. Prison gay existed for sure, straight guys still needed to spunk and a mouth is a mouth, female or male they both feel the same with your eyes shut!

Some guys wanked off in the showers, man jelly was a hazard on the wet floor, some guys just did not care! Cocks on full show as others dressed and undressed to shower, some knew you were looking, some wanted you to look, some wanted and offered more. I never saw anybody get raped in the showers, an urban Prison myth, that scared the fuck out of most men as they came to Prison for the first time. The shower area was very much for washing and the odd "pickup" and exchange of pad numbers to take things further.

A young guy around eighteen, nineteen seemed to latch on to me, Justin, doing time for a sexual assult on a woman, another toucher as he told me, if true, prisoners lie as I soon found out. He was always after sugar for a brew, something I did not use, but it had value in Prison. Besides once convicted you only could have fifteen pounds a week from your private cash moved to your spends account to buy canteen, stamps, phone credit etc. On remand this was fourty five pounds, a massive uplift.

Just after six pm, Justin put his head in my pad, Stewy was playing pool, Justin asked to come in, you learn to ask to enter another prisoners pad, respect. I called him in and told him to push the door closed, which he did. Justin wanted to "borrow" some sugar and he eyed some of my canteen on the window sill, drinks, orange juice, cans of Coke and nice proper lemonade. Then Justin took me by surprise, " I will suck your cock for a can of Coke, I'm fucking skint, but you can't spunk in my gob, deal?" Justin asked. I thought but not for long the Coke cost me sixty pence on canteen. "Deal" I muttered as pulled my trousers and boxers down, my body and cock were clean as Justin took my cock into his warm mouth, too soon I was near to spunking and I spunked into Justin's hands, which he washed under the tap and left the pad with a can of Coke and a few packets of sugar in his hands. Much better than a solo wank I thought as the rush of sexual orgasm relaxed me.

Not much later Stewy returned from the pool table and we got ready for another bang up and night watching the TV! I was not sure if Stewy saw Justin enter the pad and did not really care if he did, Stewy said nothing that night.

To be continued . . . . . .
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