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Old 09-10-2021, 03:55 AM   #55
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Richard was sat in his hospital bed, not very happy, his head hurt a bad blinding headache. Richard wondered if he would get any visitors later and was already hungry for his next meal.

Unknown to Richard, Jeff and Jane were on route to see him via MaccyD's to pickup a happy meal, Big Mac, two large fries and a milkshake. Jane slipped the brown bag inside another carrier bag to bring it onto the hospital ward.

Richard's room door opened and his face lit up as Jeff and Jane entered his room.

"Missed me Darling?" asked Jane

"Kind of" beamed Richard.

The three chatted and updated each other on the latest news, then a nurse entered the room and wrote "Nil by mouth" on the board above Richard's bed.

"Sorry Richard, no tea tonight, no food or drink you have a procedure booked for tomorrow, not down to me" the nurse informed Richard.

Richard was not happy to say the least, bastards he thought, cruel bastards!

Jane said nothing about the happy meal until Richard said he could smell food, "Sorry Richard, you can't have it, sorry, nil by mouth".

"Just a couple of fries", Richard begged.

Richard was not happy, the pain in his head was now bad, very bad.

"No sorry darling, I can't do that" replied Jane.

Richard snapped. "Then fuck off, fuck off, you mean fucking bastard, get the fuck out of here and leave me alone" Richard screamed. "Go, go, fucking get out, GET OUT, GET OUT!".

Richard was screaming in hysterics and the noise bought a nurse into the room. "GET OUT, GET FUCKING OUT!" Richard screamed at full voice.

"Can you two wait outside please, we need to talk as soon as I have dealt with Richard" asked the nurse to Jeff and Jane as the nurse tried to calm Richard down, "They are gone, shush, are you ok, not in any pain?" asked the nurse. "My head is so fucking bad, it feels like it is going to explode" replied Richard.

The nurse left the room and then returned and injected Richard with some drugs, "That should help" the nurse told Richard trying to calm him down.

Richard drifted into a calmer state.

Then nurse then explained to Jeff and Jane that Richard had received a major trauma to his head and brain, things like this can happen, they can go from calm to rage state in seconds and over stupid little things and it would better if they left today.

Jane was in tears, shocked by Richard's outburst the pure bile and anger towards her, not the Richard she knew and loved so much. Jeff tied to comfort Jane, " Come on lets go, get out of here and get a coffee or a drink, Darling" offered Jeff.

A few hours later Richard was having a CT scan of his head and brain and the results were not good, not good at all!

Jeff and jane made their way home totally unaware of the emergency that Richard was facing as blood oozed around his swollen brain.

To be continued . . . . . .
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