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Old 08-30-2021, 02:57 PM   #40
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So I am trying to fit in the dares in the whole context for you guys to better understand. I hope that it is working.

So: After that one we just chatted a little ... obviously about the dares. She said she loves it and we can do as much as I want. I was pretty happy about that because I kinda feared that she found it stupid or weird or anything like that. So we agreed on trying to do as many dares as possible from now on. With that she again got her mobile out and looked through the list.

6. Go to a lecture in a short but loose dress or skirt and no underwear, no tights. When sitting at your desk lift the back of your dress or skirt so that sit on your bare buttocks.

She then got up with this one. She showed me and when i was done reading I got my panties off right away and gave them to her. I dont know why I dont just putted them in my bag but thats what I did. Since my dress wasnt that short it looked rather weird with all that dress up on the seat. The whole lesson I imagined situations in which I may land in the afternoon. When the class was over I fixed the dress. Then Antonia laughed really hard. I looked at her. She was looking at my seat. Since it are wooden stools there was a wet print... just really in the shape of my full botton. This kinda made me really embarrassed. I quickly swiped it away with my bag. With that Antonia made fun of me all day. To give you some examples there were sentences like: "Oh, if you feel like getting wet again just stay." or (when we were on the toilet) "Maybe just pull your dress up, i need to wash my hands."

20. Wear a somewhat short skirt with no panties on a windy day and go out in public and you are not allowed to hold your skirt down with your hands.

So since it was 13:45 now I was really hungry and Antonia as well so we made our way to the cafeteria. This was when we noticed that it was really really windy outside now. I really had struggle to keep my dress around when Antonia read this dare loud. I looked at her like "you are kidding" and she ... like she is my bestie ... just could also read my view and told me she dares me to do it. The rest of the day from now on. It took me a moment but then i moved my hands away from my dress and it just flattered in the wind. We then had to take some steps and it seemed like there was the wind from the bottom going up the stairs so that was my dress as well. With one rush it was right in my face. I imagined the view everyone around would get now. I was really panicking. I thought how i could fix it *without* my hands. After a moment i just real quick ran up the stairs and stood next to a wall. My dress flew down right then. i looked around and there were some people pointing their fingers at me and giggling. Antonia followed me and was also laughing. Her only comment on this was:"This will be a real fun day!" When we both walked in the cafeteria.

29. For one day set a naked photo of you as the background on your phone.

We got our food and just sat down. Eating. After some time. Antonia got her phone out again and you know... of course looking though the list. After a minute she said she wanted my phone. I gave it to her and unlocked it. She then went to our chat and went to the nude i sent her the one from top to bottom. I looked around to double check that nobody was watching. Then she putted it as background and lockscreen picture. Then she gave it to me and told me i wasnt allowed to fix it for this day. I looked the dare list up and saw the one. I then just putted my phone in my bag.

After lunch we got back to the main building and it wasnt that windy anymore so my dress just slapped around my legs. It already was 14:10 so we were in a hurry. We just reached the lecture hall when the lecture started.

5. During a class you have to remove your panties. If your hair is long enough use your panties as a hair tie. If your hair isn't long enough to tie back tie your pantie around you wrist.

Antonia was really just having a look at the list all the time this day... also when she handed me my slip. She told me that since i already removed them i just had to wear them for a hair tie. I straightened the panties a little and then quickly putted them to a dut. I looked around but the row above us seemed to be focussed on the professor talking. I told Antonia she shall take a pic because I wanted to know how it looks. She did and it kinda looked not really like undies at all. It really could have been a professional hair tie. I was really confident like that and Antonia kinda seemed bored. Probaly because she exepcted this one to be more noticeable and that the row behind us would look when she did it.

So the rest of the lecture was boring and after it we went home in my apartment which isnt that far from university. It was about 16:10 i would gess. We first talked a little when i looked on my phone to get the time after some time... to be greeted by a naked me. Antonia noticed and right away got her phone out and asked "So which one is next?" We looked through the dares for a while. I said i didnt know. She told me that i had to choose and we then do that one. Right then i knew which one it would be!

11. Play Hide and Seek with Antonia. There are 60 seconds to hide and 120 to find the opponend. Whoever loses that round has to strip of one peace of clothing. Whoever is naked first has to pose for the winner in 10 pictures like this.

I read it out load. Antonia did just put this on the list right in the beginning because we were bored more because of fun. Just like a joke. She thought for a while but after a short discussion (without real arguments) she said why not. Since we were in the apartment it was okay for her. So I wanted to hide first and she went to the front door and started counting loud. And just to tell you. In the first moment 60 seconds sounds much but they are over way faster than you think if you search a good place to hide! I got a place just right under the sofa. It was a little dusty but i was confident to get the 120 seconds over. With that she said loud that the starts searching. I tried not to breathe loud and heard her running around. Just when i saw her face right next to me. "Hello!" She shouted smiling. I got out again. She then held her hands open right away. I thought for a while... but there wasnt much to think about. I wore socks and a dress.... nothing else. I got my socks off and gave them to her. She just threw them on the sofa and told me to get to the front door. I then started to count loud. I heard some noices from my bedroom. There was some towing and bumping. I was really confident to find her... After the 60 seconds i just ran right in the bedroom and started opening all of my closets, look underneath my bed and really going through everything several times. I was really confused. This was when the timer ringed. I looked around and was really curious where she hid in the bedroom. Antonia then came into the bedroom laughing hard at how stupid I am. And I really did feel stupid also.... She told me that she knew if she would make some noise here and then get somewhere else that i would just get there. Without any request i got the dress off and putted it on the bed. I didnt really thought that I would win because i were just wearing socks and the dress and Antonia was wearing normal clothing but I also didnt thought that it would be that fast. Antonia was already making some settings on her phone camera while I was just standing there fully naked like this. After some time i asked "So?" And Antonia told me to wait a second. Then she led me in the living room, sat me (From now on as a list

1. On the sofa and told me to lay down. Its difficult to describe but like a model with legs slightly crossing and then she took a pic from the top.
2. On kitchen chair with legs spread. (I felt really vulnerable on this one.)
3. Infront of the main window laying with my back against it. If anyone saw... my ass would be squezed on it.
4. Bent over the sofa. Antonia gave me a slapp on my ass as a joke on this one.
5. Then one just me "pretending" to be exposed and covering up infront of the main door.
6. One on the toilet pretending to be caught peeing naked.
7. And this one was mean. She let me stand in the shower and told me to shower real cold to get my skin as she wanted. It really took a lot of will power to shower really cold (i normally always shower real hot.) But after it was running it was fine. She then gave me a towel.
8. While drying myself she took anotherone
9. Then we went in the bedroom and the let me lay just fully spreadeagled on the bed.
10. As if 9. wasnt exposing enought the same thing just with me laying on my stomach again.

I was really horny at that point. Fully exposed and embarrassed but also really horny.
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