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Old 08-30-2021, 01:57 PM   #39
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So now the reports of this day. Since Iam in Germany its the end of the day now...

1. Go to the lecture in a dress. After the lesson "accidently" tuck your dress between your bag and your back so your ass is visible. Only remove when someone tells you.

So I got up at about 7 am and went to university for my first lecture starting at 8am. I wore a dress even though it was cold and rainy... just for this dare. So after the first lesson I putted it behind my back and the bag. It wouldnt stay there long so i had to fix it several times to keep it up. Which probably was even making it more embarrassing. I went through the main hall to the next lecture which wasnt so far away so I was really quick there. Just when I entered the next room for the lecture another friend of mine came behind me and just undid it. She told me my ass was exposed and i thanked her.

7. Go braless to a lecture.

So I sat there for a while but since i was way to early I got to the toilet real quick and undressed my bra. Just since this is a real easy dare. The second lesson went really normal like this and I didnt redressed the bra since it wasnt noticeable or anything.

4. Change panties during lecture. Extras: Wear Pants, Combined with a bra-connection wedgie, sent a panties, a bra and the new panties picture to Antonia

So the next lesson I had with Antonia. We meet before the lecture room and since we had so much time left (always lecture ending at :45 and next one starting at :15) we sat down and talked a little. I told her about the tings I did this morning and we looked what else was to do. Since it was already pretty full she told me that i could do this one already. Even when the lecture basicly didnt started jet. I didnt had any panties to change to... what i also told her. She then smiled and walked away. After a minute or so she came back and gave me a string. I really knew what she did. We laughed because somehow it was real funny. I then just stripped my down, gave them to antonia, and even because I at least wanted to do one extra, took a picture without and sent it antonia. Just lifting up the dress so that it was visible and then with the new panties on. She looked them up and made a repository on her phone to put the photos she got of me already.
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