Thread: SM Advice.
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Old 04-25-2011, 05:38 PM   #30
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so im 18 and im really interested in bondage and S&M, but Im really awkward when it comes to just normal relationships, and when it comes to being sexual, so its even harder to talk about these types of things with my new boyfriend. And he acts sort of dominant but i also feel weird cause he's a year younger than me. I kind of feel like hes into this sort of stuff too, but i dont know how to bring it up, or hint to him that im into it. idk if im just assuming things, but he acts dominant kind of. for example, hes very strong, and the way he holds me and picks me up makes me feel like im his for good, and just the way he talks to me. like he doesnt like me sitting anywhere unless its on his lap, and his hold is just so strong. and he doesnt really ask me to do things, he just tells me. and i remember him saying that he knows he can handle me well. i know im talking a lot but im just so inexperienced and confused! please help haha.

Well first of all, you say he's younger than you. Much of S/M is quite sexual in nature and being that you're 18, and from the sounds of it, he is not. I would first of all advise you to not do anything sexual until he is of consenting age. Granted, in some states it is 17 or in others 16. In other countries it is different as well, but I am basing this out of the United States at the moment with the US laws. However, I would not delve into anything sexual until he is of legal age.

Secondly, when bringing it up, do it casually or just look at him straight and say, "I'm curious about BDSM. I've never tried it before, but I want to explore it with you."

Thirdly, from the way you describe him, the "constant holding" or the "telling you what to do" and the "you cannot sit anywhere but on my lap" sounds to me as though he is a control freak and that is not a good quality for anyone. I am a dominant female, but, I am not a control freak. The thing with BDSM is that it must be a choice, you shouldn't be commanded 24/7 right off the bat. Healthy relationships never start out that way. Being that he is like this to you NOW, it won't get any better once he realizes you are submissive and are willing to submit. He will do anything and everything he can to force you to be enslaved to him and that is just a bad situation. He would be what is known here on the site as a dumbinant (courteousy of Anjelen). Do yourself a favour and don't get involved in BDSM with him as, from what I see, it will only get worse as time progresses.
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