Thread: [FICTION] Lads Home Alone
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Old 08-17-2010, 01:20 PM   #25
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Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: England/France
Posts: 126
Sport 8ball Part 22 - The Brothers Get Dares.

Tom, Harry, Dexter and Logan were sat in a circle, naked. An empty coke bottle lay in the middle.


Amber and Mike were sat on the bed, naked. A full condom sat in the bin.


Tom reached out his arm and span the bottle. The lads watched intently as it slowed down and eventually rested, the lid pointing to Dexter.
"I dare you..." Started Tom, still thinking what he could dare the newest and youngest member of the group. "To do 10 press-ups." He didn't know if he'd be able to do them, as he didn't look like the kind of guy to work out or do exercise. He was right. Dexter attempted to do 3 but it looked more like he was trying to have sex with the floor. On the 4th 'press-up' he dropped to the ground.

The rule was that if someone failed their dare, the other 3 would make up a punishment. Harry had obviously been giving this some thought already and said, "You have to give Tom a lap-dance." Dexter looked at Tom, wondering if he would protest. The thought never even crossed Tom's mind.

Dexter walked over to where Tom was sat on the floor, turned his back to him and crouched so he was almost sitting on his lap. He then slowly moved his bum back and forth, still not touching Tom. He moved his butt backwards, so it was pressing against Tom's stomach, and began to slide it slowly up and down. His body then slid back down so his bum was gently brushing against Tom's thighs and near his crotch. Tom was beginning to get an erection and Dexter felt it on his ass as he moved back slightly. He took this as a sign he needed to stop, before he too got an erection, and slowly slid forward and stood up.

Harry and Logan were watching, both aroused. Harry was hard, but Logan was only sporting a slight semi, still put off by the fact that he watched his naked younger brother give another boy a lap-dance. They organised themselves again, reforming their circle. As Dexter was dared last, it was his turn to spin the bottle. He found himself in a slight dilemma as it landed on Logan, his big brother.


"That was amazing." Mike said, breaking the silence.
"Yeah, it was... Listen." Amber was worried, now, about what Mike would think of her. "You don't think that I'm a slut now do you... after earlier and now having sex with you...?"
"Amber," He began, looking her in the eyes, "I think you're amazing, beautiful, funny and my girlfriend. I don't think you're a slut."
Amber smiled and kissed her boyfriend. "Do you want to go an hang out with your friends?" She asked him.
It was funny, Mike thought, that earlier all he wanted to do was play Truth or Dare with his friends. Now, however, he wanted time to stand still.
"No. Let's just..." He didn't know what he wanted to do. Truthfully, he didn't want to do anything.
"Cuddle?" Amber asked.
They got under the covers and spooned, Mike the big spoon with his arms around Amber. He suddenly thought about all the things the bed had seen over the last 2 days. He smiled, wondering what was going on downstairs...


"Umm, let me think a sec." Dexter began, not knowing what was right or wrong to dare his brother. Logan helped out.
"Bro, dare me whatever you'd dare the other guys... It's just a game and it'll be boring if we dared each other boring things."
"Cool," Dexter replied, "I dare you to let us three spank your ass 3 times each."
Logan was surprised that Dexter would dare him this, he was expecting something more sexual as his brother had implied he might. "All right, do your worst." He said, as he stood up and bent over slightly.

Dexter went first, naturally, and slapped his brother's ass as hard as he could. Logan let out a small "ouch" but didn't stir. Tom's was harder and evoked a louder reaction, but Harry's was an extremely forceful backhander that caused Logan to shout "Fuck!" loudly.
After they had each gone again, Logan's nice round bum was a nice round pink bum. He was enjoying it, but it was starting to hurt now. He didn't have a very good pain threshold. Dexter's next slap was a backhander, Tom's was too. Harry, however, shaped his palm so it was a slight cup and swung as hard as he possibly could. As his hand connected with Logan's cheeks, he screamed loudly and jumped on the spot in pain. The three lads laughed at him, but Logan was not impressed.

"Right," he said, spinning the bottle. It span fast for about 20 seconds and slowed down. When it came to a standstill, a big grin spread across Logan's face. "Okay, I dare you to finger him." He ordered, pointing at his victim "hard."

Read my first finished story here!
Second-Cousins Play Some Games -

My second, ongoing story is here...
Lads Home Alone -

My Newest Story...
University Bromance

I fancied a change from story writing... Do my dice dare (just for the lads) here -
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