Thread: Fiction: Graduation Party
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Old 05-20-2021, 03:02 PM   #1
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I debated about keeping the characters younger, but decided against it as I am not sure how the story will proceed and would prefer all of them to be above 18.


Chapter 2: -

The following rules were decided:
- Each player must start with four pieces of clothing - shoes and socks, top, jeans/shorts/skirt and underwear (both top and bottom included).
- If a dare involves more than 1 person, it will count for both.
- For each failed dare or truth, one item of clothing shall be removed.
- No more than 1 truth in a row. Dares can't directly involve removal of clothing.
- Nothing permanent or illegal allowed.
- The game continues until one male and female are completely naked, they
will both be considered the losers of the game and shall agree to the forfeit.

After deciding the rules, we moved into my living room and arranged 6 chairs in a circle. We decided to use a random name selector app to decide who would start. Beth's name popped up on the screen.

"Since you wanted to play it so badly, I will start with you Steve - truth or dare?" she asked.
"What is the weirdest porn you have masturbated to?" asked Beth.
"Let me think..." he said, "It would probably be a piss related video. My favourite is a video where a woman was hogtied in a bathtub and a bunch of people pissed on her. They proceeded to bring her to an orgasm using a vibrator as she lay in the pool of piss"

Without missing a beat, he moved on to the next person, "Blake, truth or dare?"
"What is the maximum number of times you have masturbated in one day?" asked Steve.
"Eight. When I discovered how to do it, I wanted to test my limits and ended up masturbating 8 times in a day. I was pretty sore for a few days after that though." Blake said, chuckling after the last line.

"Alex, truth or dare?" said Blake.
I felt all eyes staring at me. Normally, I would hate to be the first person to pick dare but Blake knew about my crush on Sarah and would most likely ask me something about that. I said nervously, "Dare."
"Someone is confident today," He said, with a grin, "I dare you to lick the shoes of all 5 people here for a minute each."

"That is gross! I am not doing that" I said, looking at their feet. Everyone's shoes looked clean, as clean as shoes can be, but there was no way I was going to lick them.
"You either lick them or remove your own. You could choose to remove your shirt or jeans too." said Blake. He seemed very happy with himself.
"Shoes will do." I quickly removed my shoes and socks and put them behind my chair. Losing a quarter of my clothing in the first round was most likely going to cost me later though.

It was my turn next and I decided to go with Tiffany, "Tiffany, truth or dare?"
"French kiss a random person for 1 minute. You can use the app to select the person." I said.
"Fine." She said and tapped on the phone screen. A few moments later, Beth's name came up (again). Tiffany stood up and moved towards Beth who stood up too.
"Someone set a timer."
I picked up the phone and set a one minute timer and said, "Start."

Their faces moved towards each other and then their lips met. Seeing two hot girls kissing was not an everyday occurrence and I felt slight tingling in my crotch. The one minute passed quickly and they separated. Both looked flushed as they took their seats.
"That leaves you Sarah, truth or dare?" asked Tiffany.
"Whom would you most like to fuck within this room?"
"I am not into girls, so it has to be one of the boys. Blake is too tall for my taste," said Sarah, "Sorry Steve, but I would choose Alex."

She was looking into my eyes as she said it. It was a part of the game, but a part of me felt euphoric as I heard it. My face must have turned red as Tiffany said, "He really liked that Sarah."
Everyone giggled while Sarah blushed and looked away. I averted my gaze from her and said, "Let's go for the next round."
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