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Old 06-06-2010, 10:27 AM   #11
getDare Succubus
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Default One fateful day 6

Both Danielle and Frank were laughing silly now. Reliving in their minds the awkward moments in the store had restored their innocence and youth, and had finished pushing their troubles away. The sexual tension that had been building up in the stall had first turned to concern, then to euphoria, which explained their current mood.

"I can't believe we did that."
"It was so cool. I should have flashed George or something."

There was no concern in their minds. They were just resting near the fountain, waiting for the feeling to die down so they could move on to something else.

"I'll be honest, Dan, I haven't had that much of a laugh in a while."
"Me too. We need to do stuff like that more often."
"Getting caught was actually... I think better than not being caught!"
"Let's just not make a habit of it."

They looked at each other, and for a moment, the love between them moved to the surface. Danielle spoke first.

"I... thanks."
"For what?"
"Everything... Being yourself... being here with me."
"Nowhere else I would rather be right now."

She hugged him tight, resting her head against his chest for a long moment.

"Did you enjoying seeing my breasts?"
"I didn't see much of them, with what happened. But yes... I did."
"Want to see more?"
"Well... maybe?"

Danielle giggled.

"Ah... I can't believe you got naked."
"I can't believe either."
"You have nothing to complain about."

That last comment left Frank a little puzzled, and his look just made Danielle laugh even more. She recomposed herself before talking again.

"I have a few things in mind for your little... soldier."
"I bet you do."
"I bet you do too..."

She laughed again at the silliness of their comments. She was so relaxed now, all the tension had melted away with the laughter.

"Well... I got to see you naked, so I think it's fair I find an apportunity to return the favor."
"You don't need to."
"I know. I want to..."
"All right... well... I leave the details to you."

For a moment, Danielle was lost in her thoughts.

"I know. Let's go some place."
"Go where?"
"In a park, somewhere."

Frank had a hard time not getting a reaction to her comment - they were supposed to be at the mall when Rita and Jacques arrived, whenever that might be. The park was a great idea, but it would put a cringe on their later plans.

"It's a bit cold, though."
"It is... uh... maybe go see a movie?"

Again, same problem. Frank realized he needed to take charge of the situation while he still could.

"I have an idea. Come on."

In fact, Frank had no idea at all - he just wanted to take over the moment to stall until the others arrived. They both got up and started walking.

"Where are we going?"
"It's a surprise."

Frank had to think of something fast if he did not want Danielle to suspect something.

They strolled for a while in the halls of the Carrefour, Danielle obviously wondering where Frank was taking her, and Frank quietly wondering the exact same thing. When they passed by the computer gaming store, Frank had an epiphany - and he darted inside the store where, to his content, he saw Cedric, one of his role-playing friends.

"Hi Cedric!"
"Frank! Hi... who is this?"
"Danielle. My... girlfriend."
"Wow! It's about time you got one... what about the other girl?"
"Sandra? No, she was just a friend."
"Seemed like you two were intimate."
"Sorry. Hi Danielle."

Handshakes were extended. Cedric turned back to Frank.

"What's going on?"
"We're just hanging out. Wondering if we could play some of the demo games."
"Knock yourself out."
"Thanks, Cedric."

Frank took Danielle near the demo booth - a fighter game was on, the newest Tekken.

"He seems nice."
"He is."
"What are we doing here?"
"Well... I thought of something. You say you want to get naked for me... I'm fine with that, but this will tell us how... and for how long."
"Basically, you'll play against the computer opponents at standard difficulty.
"I'm no good at these things."
"There are... Cedric, how many stages for the story mode?"
"Ten," Cedric replied.
"Thanks! Ten stages... How many items of clothing are you wearing?"

Danielle had to do the math in her head: besides her winter coat, which Frank was carrying for her, she had a blouse, a short skirt, her bra, panties, a pair of socks and a pair of shoes. Eight items in all.

"Okay... so we ignore stage one, if you beat - you should, it's easy."
"If you say so. I'm no good at these games."
"You'll do fine. I'll give you a practice run."
"Imagine you start out naked..."

Danielle laughed. It wasn't that hard to imagine.

"For every level you beat, beyond the first, you regain an item of clothing. We'll have to put a few things to memory... hang on a moment."

Frank went over to Cedric and asked for a piece of paper and a pen. He came back with both.

"I'm also going to time how long it takes for you to beat the game."
"I may not beat it."
"I mean, until you lose the game. The longer you last, the shorter the time you'll have to be naked later..."

He was whispering everything to her, since there were other clients in the store.

"Okay. I'll play."
"If you get up to level 3, you can keep up to two items of clothing later. The further you get, the more clothes you can keep on."
"Time for your trial run."

Frank selected single combat mode for that.

"Choose your character."
"I like her. She's sexy."
"Julia Chang? Good choice."

Danielle turned to the keypad, and started hammering away, attempting to learn the tricks to mastering Tekken. If her first performance was any indication, she would later be completely naked, and for a long time...
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