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Old 04-12-2011, 03:56 PM   #2
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Join Date: Aug 2010
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The first few meetings of the Pain Sluts passed relatively uneventfully with no one being caught out of bed and our topics of conversation mainly featuring suggestions of rebellious acts as well as my introductions to the other members. Mary-Elle was the girl who had taken the thrashing to allow Arabella and I to leave the dormitory unseen. She was tall and lanky with long hair that cascaded down her slim shoulders. She was very eager to please Arabella I noticed and had a very competitive personality. In contrast to Mary-Elle's skeletal physic was Caitlin, an athletic and muscular girl with great physical strength. She was incredible on the pitch and just as incredible with her pain tolerance. Whenever I saw her thrashed, there was always an expression of great relish and strength on her face. She was very confident in a very unpretentious way. I admired her intelligence and determination that confounded the teachers greatly. Caitlin could always turn in a top notch essay and play outstandingly in every sport and possessed a genuine desire to learn. She would pay attention in class, taking in every fact and then, when she felt all knowledge was gathered, she would begin her routine of misbehaviour, always laced with great wit and intelligence. She was truly fantastic. There was Della - a blonde, curvaceous American who's parents had sent her to an English boarding school to straighten her out. Della had grown up in Georgia and her lewd and inappropriate behaviour had shocked the residents of her quiet village. As the daughter of a prominent family in the area, Della's behaviour could be tolerated. Her parents tried to beat it out of her but to no avail and thus she was shipped across the Atlantic to be disciplined far from the eyes of the close knit deep southern community. Clemmie, the final member, was the brat. Clementine Eleanor Du Manchen. She was the daughter of a very rich doctor who had no time for her in his busy schedule. Instead of fathering her, he hired a nanny and lavished gifts a plenty on her. Her mother had died during childbirth and the nanny was a meek lady who was unable to control the rebellious child and this had been the norm until Dr Du Manchen remarried. The step mother was a strong disciplinarian who immediately made reservations for Clemmie to start at the school the very next term and quickly introduced Clemmie to the burn of the cane. She was very small and very slim and wore her hair in a bob. When I met her, she has been at the school a year at the youthful age of thirteen was the youngest of the Pain Sluts. Her behaviour has not improved and her aversion to authority had only grown along with her tolerance to corporal punishment. She was incredibly childish and had a tendency to whine but Arabella was very good at controlling her and frequently reprimanded her. Arabella was the only person who could control her. This was demonstrated on the fourth meeting that I attended and the events certainly had a very strong impact on me.

Until this meeting I was unaware that the Pain Sluts would punish each other, should the deem it necessary. Clemmie arrived late at the meeting and it transpired that she has been intercepted by another student from her dormitory who had demanded to know where she was going. I watched Arabella's face as the story was recounted. The student has threatened to alert matron unless she told her where she was going. Arabella's cheeks reddened. 'What did you say?' she whispered viciously.

'I told her I was meeting some friends who I discuss rebellion with. I didn't say who, where or why!'

'You said you met people! You stupid brat! You could have taken a thrashing from Matron! You could even have lied like a coward and said you were doing something else but you chose to tell!'

'I didn't tell!'

'You alluded to rebellion! If that girl starts putting things together, she'll realise what we do. You could expose us Clemmie!'

'I didn't know what to do! I thought I was helping!'

'Like hell you were, you selfish little bitch!' You just didn't want Matron hurting your precious little clit!'

'Arabella, I'm sorry!' she cried, tears spilling onto her rounded cheeks.

'You will be sorry when we've punished you! Caitlin, hold her please.'

Caitlin immediately moved forward and held the small girls arms behind her. She had no chance of escape so instead she looked at the floor in shame.

'Well since you are willing enough to expose us, you can expose yourself and take your punishment. Will you comply?'

'Yes Arabella' nodded the pathetic girl.

'Good. Caitlin you may release her.' Caitlin let go. 'Now Clementine - I want you to strip. Everything, even your plug.'

The small girl began removing her night dress slowly pulled her plug from her anus. Eventually she stood before us, pale and bare, her small breasts pert, and her shaven vulva clenched fearfully between her skinny legs. Arabella went to the corner of the stable, stood on a rusting upturned bucket and reached up into the beams, withdrawing a drawstring bag and several thrashing implements. From the bag, she took several pots that appeared to be herb containers and a bottle of lubricating lotion that we used daily on our anuses.

'Get on your hands and knees.' Clemmie obeyed. 'I would very much like to give you a proper figging but we do not have access to the ginger used by the teachers as of yet. Instead I am going to make my own concoction that I will mix with the already painful lubricant.' I watched Arabella pour ground ginger, chilli powder and cayenne pepper into the bottle and give it a swirl. She then added a generous amount of menthol oil before shaking it thoroughly. From the bag, she withdrew a pair of latex gloves and she squeezed a large dollop onto her finger. 'Hold her open Elsa!' Me! I'd been given an instruction. Eagerly, I went over to the bowed girl and parted her buttocks, exposing her tight, pink anus. In plunged Arabella's finger, twisting and moving inside the rectum, coating it with the punishing concoction. At first Clemmie simply gasped at the shock of the intrusion but as the finger was withdrawn, the burning set in, and her cheeks clenched and her anus desperately contracted repeatedly. The tears were now gushing. 'I thought it might have that effect' said Arabella, smiling sourly before squeezing another dollop onto her hand and wiping it deep inside of her pussy and over her clitoris. Clemmie sobbed in desperation, unable to stop the brutal burning. 'Don't even think about moving' warned Arabella. After another delve into the drawstring bag, a large plug emerged and I was again summoned to part the cheeks. After a few pushes on the surface, slowly the anus began to accept the intrusive plug and it opened around it, growing and growing until finally it was able to close over the large retention dip. The circular black base lodged between the cheeks of Clemmie's little bottom was visible for all to see.

Soon Clemmie was panting heavilly, the cruel lotion was clearly burning her young genitals and rectum. 'On your knees!' ordered Arabella and the girl obeyed without question, dropping quickly and bowing her head with a grimmace. Arabella selected a paddle from the collection of instruments and patted it gentle against Clemmie's raised behind before giving it an almighty swing causing instant sobbing. 'Yes, that should do it' she said casually and passed the paddle to Caitlin who took up the position of the punisher.

There was now a great red mark on the shaking buttocks and Clemmie continued to sob quietly. 'If you make too much noise, I'll hit you twice as hard' said Caitlin mercilessly. The disgraced girl nodded, tears still falling but her lips tightly closed. With that, the athletic Caitlin began fiercely paddling the pale behind until it was a vibrant red colour. Although Clemmie didn't cry, she gasped and panted throughout the beating, desperately trying to cope with the terrible pain that was being inflicted on her young skin. Eventually the thrashing ceased and the young girl fell to the ground, faint from the terrific pain she has endured. Della hauled her to her up and threw her over onto her back, parting her knees so her genitals were exposed. She looked up into the rafters and continued to breath heavily.

'We shall now punish your clitoris as it deserves!' announced Arabella, producing a small flogger that she slid across Clemmie's quivering slit, up and down, up and down, the girl's pelvis raising to meet it and then before she began to enjoy it too much, she swung it down with a crack over the condemned clitoris. She repeated this thirty times, growing faster and harder until Clemmie could only shake beneath her, convulsing and gasping for breath.

'Clamp her!' ordered Arabella and Della obeyed, placing a firm metal clamp over the swollen clitoris. The pressure on the sensitive organ caused an involuntary jerk from the humiliated girl. Following this, Arabella held up her legs, displaying the thick black plug and summoned Caitlin to remove it. After a few tugs, the anus released it's grip and it slid out, leaving a gaping hole behind. 'I think a final reminder will be a dose of the extra large plug in your anus, don't you Clementine?' Clemmie, simply nodded, broken in and consigned to her fate.

'Hold her legs Elsa!' I took Clemmies legs and Arabella delved into the bag to locate the plug. It was massive. I couldn't believe that such a thing might fit inside of me, let alone the young Clemmie. Nevertheless, Arabella was coating it with her lubricating concoction and seemed intent on getting it inside of the tiny girl. I watched as the black tip pressed against the unwilling anus, burrowing into her rectum slowly and painfully. Clemmie didn't struggle, she just lay there panting with her eyes up towards the rafters, obviously trying to imagine she was somewhere else. The plug was still ploughing forward, nearing the widest circumference, the anus stretching terribly. After what seemed like forever, the plug was finally accepted and her sphincter closed around the retention indent. 'There!' said Arabella, giving the plugged behind a firm swat, causing Clemmie to gasp. 'You have repaid us.' She held out her hand. 'Well taken Clemmie.' The girl was hauled to her feet, trembling and bow legged from the plug.


After seeing Clemmie's ordeal, I was very wary not to do anything to displease the Pain Sluts. As the newest member, I feared that any mistakes on my part would not be received graciously and I knew that I wanted to avoid Clemmie's fate at all costs. For a while I did everything to please the girls, desperate to ensure my complete acceptance into the group. I spent my lessons playing up, thus earning myself beatings and kudos. However, as I built up my repertoire of misdemeanours in the school, I was unaware that my crimes would be reported back to my father and so it took me by complete surprise when I received a letter from him informing me that a visit would be imminent.

Dearest Elsa,

I am thoroughly disappointed to hear of your lack of progress at St Mary's Reformatory Academy for Young Ladies. I have been informed by your headmaster of your foul behaviour and how the severe punishments you have received appear to be having no impact. It has been recommended to him by your Matron that a paternal influence may aid the situation, rendering the discipline more effective. I have already spoken with the headmaster and will arrive at St Mary's this weekend. I inform you of this with great regret for I had hoped that this school would really help to improve your behaviour and for you to return home as a mature young lady but I fear I had set my hopes to high. Nevertheless, you are not a lost cause and I intend to make every effort I can to allow you to grow up to be the obedient woman I know you are capable of becoming. You are my only daughter and I only want the best for you. I hope that this weekend's impending visit will allow you to consider your future with a degree of sense.

All my love,


I attempted to voice my concern to the Pain Sluts but as soon as Arabella had read the letter, she was applauding me. 'You've had a parent summoned! I'm so proud!' She clapped her hands and laughed happily.

'They tell them everything you know!' chirped Mary-Elle. 'I went home for Christmas and my parents knew that I'd had a slot in punishment hour just days before. I couldn't believe it. They even made me strip show them the marks to punish me further.'

'I know! It's so embarrassing!' muttered Clemmie. 'When I first came here, my step mother found out everything they did here and when I came home, she had ordered all this punishment gear. She even had me plugged all day at home too. It was awful.'

'My parents are always upset when they hear from the school' said Caitlin more solemnly. 'I always feel really guilty because I know they spend a lot on my education and it's a real stretch for them. They are really proud of how well I do on the pitch and in my marks but they just don't understand why I always get punished. When I go back, my father gives me a flogging over the chopping block in the woodshed. He gives me five strokes for every letter they send to inform them of a punishment. Last time he hit me so many times with that belt I passed out. My backside was a wreck. I couldn't sit for a week. When I came round he hugged me and told me how much he loves me. He would have kept beating me for every stroke I earned though, no matter how many. Even if I was a sea of blood, he'd have beat me for every letter. He cares too much.'

Everyone was quiet. Caitlin looked at the wall and brushed her hair out of her face.

'So' said Arabella with an air of great intent, 'did you hear that goodie-goodie, Kate Ashworth got caned by the headmaster yesterday?' And so the subject was changed. I tried to focus on the gossip and forget about my father's letter.

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