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Old 05-14-2021, 05:49 AM   #6
Junior Member
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Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 6
Default My survey response

1. How comfortable are being nude?
Comfortable around strangers. I haven't spent any time naked with friends or relatives, other than my wife, and I don't think I will any time soon.
2. Are you comfortable around others/in a crowd?
Yup, as long as I don't know them and I'm not going to get arrested.
3. Are you comfortable seeing someone nude?
Love to
4a. Have you ever been nude in public?
Many times
4b. If so, where?
Various beaches in New England and San Francisco, a few public bathrooms
5. What do you think about people who have gone nude in public?
I'm all for it
6a. Do you enjoy doing nude dares?
Yes, as long as I don't run into friends and family, risk getting arrested, or impose my nudity on unwilling viewers
6b. If so, what kinds of dares have you done?
7. Have you ever had someone unexpected see you nude?
I sorta ran into a friend while naked on a beach, but she didn't recognize me
8. Have you ever seen someone unexpected in the nude?
A few flashes and glimpses, nothing too interesting
9. Would you spend much time nude day to day?
Most days just shower time
10. Do you wish you could spend more time nude?
Yup. summer is almost here.
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